Control measures for edible fungus Penicillium

Penicillium, also known as blue-green mold, is a common contaminating fungus in the production and cultivation of edible fungi. Under certain conditions, it can also cause mushroom fungus fruit bodies such as mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, phoenix mushrooms, mushrooms, straw mushrooms and enoki mushrooms. Pathogenicity is a common pathogen that affects the yield and quality of edible fungi.

Symptoms When the penicillin occurs on the culture surface, the initial hyphae are white, the colonies are nearly circular to amorphous, and the appearance is slightly powdery. As the spores are produced in large quantities, the color of the colonies gradually changes from white to green or blue. The colony edge of the growing period is often 1-2 mm white and spreads slowly. The surface of the old colony is often interwoven to form a film covering the surface of the culture material, and the toxin is secreted to cause necrosis of the mycelium of the edible fungus. In the process of seed production, if serious occurs, the bacteria can be scrapped and scraped; the period of occurrence of the bacteria is heavier, which can cause local noodles.

Pathogens and pathogenesis The Penicillium fungi that are harmful to the edible fungi are all fungi of Penicillium fungi. When the germs grow in large numbers, the colonies are blue-green. The pathogens are widely distributed, with multiple saprophytic or weak parasitism, which are present on a variety of organic matter, producing a large number of conidia, which are mainly introduced into the culture material through airflow for primary dip dyeing. The original excipients with bacteria are also important sources of initial infusion for raw material cultivation. The conidia produced after the infiltration are re-impregnated by airflow, insects, artificial water spray and management operations. High temperature is conducive to the onset, most likely to occur at 28 ° C - 30 ° C, conidia 1-2 days can germinate to form white hyphae, and quickly produce conidia. Most Penicillium prefers an acidic environment, and the culture material and the cover soil are acidic and susceptible to disease. The growth and decline of edible fungi is conducive to the onset of disease, and the growth of the young mushroom is weak or the residual mushroom root on the mushroom bed is not removed in time.

Prevention and treatment method 1 Do a good job of disinfection and sterilization of the inoculation room, culture room and production site, keep the environment clean and hygienic, strengthen ventilation and ventilation, and prevent the spread of diseases. 2 Adjust the appropriate pH of the culture material. Culture materials for cultivating mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms can be adjusted to slightly alkaline with 1% to 2% lime water. After collecting the mushrooms, spray lime water to stimulate the growth of edible fungi hyphae and inhibit the occurrence of penicillium. 3 The local infection of the bacteria bag can be injected with 15% formaldehyde solution. When the penicillium occurs in the wood, it can be washed with lime water. The disease on the mushroom bed can be sprayed with 1% ketomycin, 0.5% multi-Fennon, 0.1% Shibaogong and 0.1% chlorfluazin solution. Prevention and treatment.

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