At present, in the wheat production process, important problems are solved: high-yield regional cultivation, high-yield technical cultivation, and field scientific management. These three are the key measures for planting high-yield and high-quality wheat.
Planting in improved areas
The improved wheat has high quality, high yield and stable yield in all production. However, when selecting the variety, it is necessary to adjust the conditions according to local conditions, and determine the planting time due to different climatic conditions, water conservancy conditions and soil fertility, and select suitable varieties.
High-yield cultivation techniques
In terms of high yield of wheat, it is necessary to continuously improve the soil fertility in planting, solve the living soil layer, make the fertility and depth of the tillage layer fine, transparent and flat, and also integrate water, fertilizer, gas and heat. According to the relevant data, the wheat roots of deep tillage are mainly distributed in the soil layer of 0-50 cm; while under the shallow tillage, the main roots are distributed in the soil layer of 0-15 cm or 20 cm. At the same time, the various nutrients needed for wheat can be found in the soil, but the quantity is not sufficient. Therefore, it should be supplemented by external fertilization. Whether it is applied to the soil , or the nutrients already contained in the soil, it must be dissolved in water before it can be absorbed by various crops, especially ammonium sulfate, urea, etc. These fertilizers are often called quick-acting fertilizers . After being applied to the field, it will be effective soon and will be absorbed and utilized by the crop in a short period of time. However, the fertilizer that is applied every time cannot be absorbed by the crop at all, and the nutrients remaining in it can be retained in the soil for absorption and utilization by the lower crop.
The advantage of deep cultivation is that it can loosen the soil, deepen the tillage layer, and also bury the fertilizer to eliminate weeds, and create good soil conditions for crop growth and development. Deep ploughing can break the bottom of the plough, so that the roots of the crop can be stretched downwards. Generally, the soil is not deeply ploughed. The roots of the crop are often concentrated in the soil layer of about 10 cm in the surface layer. The weight of this root system accounts for about 90% of the total root system. The root system in the soil layer below 10 cm after deep tillage is significantly increased, and the ability of water storage and fertilizer conservation in the field can be improved after deep tillage. As the underlying compact soil layer becomes loose and the porosity increases. Therefore, it can accommodate more water and nutrients, thereby enhancing drought resistance and fertilizing capacity. Deep ploughing should also be combined with the application of a large amount of organic fertilizer .
High yield of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in wheat is the key. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are indispensable nutrients for ensuring healthy growth of wheat and increasing yield, so they are said to be the three major factors in crop growth. Nitrogen fertilizer is an important raw material for protein and chloroplast, and protein is the main component of cell protoplasts and nucleus. Chloroplast is the main place for photosynthesis of wheat and the production of organic nutrients. The nitrogen supply is sufficient to promote cell division and growth, so that the roots, stems, leaves and other organs of wheat grow faster, grow stronger, have strong vegetative growth, luxuriant stems and leaves, thick green leaves, more tillers, and more large grains. . At the same time, the nitrogen fertilizer is insufficient, the wheat seedlings are weak, the plants are short, the tillers are few, the leaves are narrow, the leaves are yellow-green, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry. In severe cases, the whole leaves are yellow and the plants die prematurely. Phosphate fertilizer is an important raw material that constitutes nuclear protein and phospholipids, and is also an important substance to promote the transformation and transportation of substances in plants. Adequate supply of phosphate fertilizer can promote the flowering and fruiting of wheat, fullness of grain and early maturity, and promote the development of wheat roots. Secondly, it can enhance the ability to absorb water and absorb water. At the same time, the phosphate fertilizer is insufficient, the wheat seedlings grow slowly, the leaves are dark green or purple, the tillers are less, the secondary roots are small and weak, and the secondary roots do not stretch during the regreening and jointing, and are not tied or "chicken roots". The aboveground part grows slowly, the tillering rate is low, the leaves are grayish green, the leaf sheath is purple, the heading and maturity are delayed, the filling is insufficient, and the 1000-grain weight is low. Potassium fertilizer can promote the metabolism of phosphorus and nitrogen in wheat plants, and can promote the growth of wheat, the straw is hard, and it can enhance the ability of disease resistance and lodging resistance. At the same time, when potassium is deficient, the photosynthesis of the crop is weakened, the growth is inhibited, the mechanical structure of the stem is not developed, the toughness is poor, the grain is reduced, and the starch content is reduced.
In short, balance fertilization. Balanced fertilization is an important measure to promote early-stage wheat, medium-term stable growth, and early premature aging. Fertilization should adhere to the principle of fertilization combined with the combination of crude fertilizer and refined fertilizer, combined with slow effect and quick effect, combined with organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Fertilization should be based on target yield and combined with soil fertility level to produce fertilizer and nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium is combined to balance fertilization. The fertilizer must be applied in depth to prevent the surface from spreading and fertilizing the land.
Field management
From the sowing, emergence and heading of winter wheat, the management of wheat fields in this period can be divided into several stages: from emergence to wintering, the first stage is winter management; from greening to heading, the second stage is spring management; from heading to maturity It is the period of wheat production formation, which is the key moment to determine the level of production. This is the third stage is the late stage.
The main task of winter wheat field management is to cultivate strong seedlings, preserve seedlings, seedlings, and seedlings to safely overwinter and increase the number of tillers. The standard of strong seedlings is that there are many tillers, stout, thick leaves and deep roots. This is the basis for increasing the number of panicles per plant, striving for large ears and large grains, and is an important guarantee for obtaining high yield.
Spring wheat field management is mainly three promotion and two prevention. One promotes the return of wheat seedlings. During this period, the ground temperature is low, the plant growth is slow, the soil microbial activity is poor, the nutrient decomposition is slow, and the soil has less soluble nitrogen, which cannot meet the requirements of the plant. To promote the return of wheat to green, it is necessary to pour the green water to warm the water; it can be warmed by means of depression; the second is to increase the ear and increase the rate of ear formation. It is necessary to use the early spring tillering period to increase the application of the green fertilizer to the green water. The three spikes and the strong stalks prevent the occurrence of late wheat lodging. Second prevention measures: 1. Prevent the freezing damage of wheat night frost, solve the freezing damage by watering; 2. Early prevention of pests and diseases, spring pests start to move due to the constant temperature rise in spring, wheat spiders, wheat leaf bee larvae, aphids, sticky Insects have appeared one after another, and they must be prevented in time. Also look at wheat rust and powdery mildew.
Wheat from heading to maturity is the late growth stage of wheat. At this time, do a good job of wheat roots and leaves to prevent premature aging. First of all, we must consider the supply of water. At this time, the soil moisture in the field should be kept at 65%~80%, neither too much nor too little. When there is too much water, the soil air is insufficient and the roots are prematurely debilitated. If there is less water, the water will be insufficient, which will cause serious production cuts.
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