1. Home decoration must ensure the integrity, seismicity and safety of the original main structure of the house; it should meet and meet the regulations and requirements of urban planning, public security fire fighting, city appearance, environmental protection, power supply and water supply, and gas supply. Do not use the decoration to affect the safe use of adjacent houses.
2. When homeowners or users of the house are decorating their homes, it is forbidden to dismantle and damage the wall, beams, columns, plates, etc. of the building without authorization.
3. Houses that are not acceptable for acceptance of the main structure, such as unacceptable houses or dangerous buildings, temporary buildings, or houses that have been severely damaged without reinforcement, may not be decorated at home. It is forbidden to break holes in walls of bearing walls and earthquake walls to move holes and to move existing doors and windows. It is not allowed to arbitrarily enlarge the area of ​​doors and windows and remove the walls of windows or windows.
4. It is forbidden to lay granite, marble and other heavy floor materials on the floor without experience.
5, the floor of the kitchen, bathroom water supply, drainage standpipe, floor drain, pit position can not be arbitrarily changed.
6. It is forbidden to change the stress nature of the beam when decorating the balcony, and it is not allowed to arbitrarily increase the filling material of the balcony floor and paving granite, marble and other heavy fabrics; no experience should be added to the balcony fence. .
Balcony doors, windows, houses, decorative windows, marble, bathroom, bathroom door
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