Green Vegetation Roof Improves Solar Panel Efficiency

Green Vegetation Roof Improves Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar panels work best at a temperature of 25°C and then decline with increasing temperature. Researchers at the University of Kansas think about how heat can be extracted from the panel when the temperature is too high. After three kinds of roofing materials, they found that the panels installed on the “green roof” worked best, compared to white or black roofs, which increased the average conversion energy by 1.4%.

Most of the solar panels are installed on the roof of a residential house and must undergo the test of wind, sun and rain. Although they take the sun, they are also suffering from the sun. When the panel temperature rises above 25°C, the performance It will gradually decline, so that the cost of solar panels to popularize the road to be challenged.

In order to solve this thermal problem, two doctoral students from the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Kansas now find the best of the panels from experimental studies.

They compared the three types of roofing materials most commonly used for solar panels: high-reflective white roofs, most traditional black roofs, and green roofs with planted vegetation. The green roof consists of a series of layers, usually from top to bottom: vegetation, cover layers, matrix layers (growth media), membranes, drainage layers, and waterproof membranes laid on the roof structures of buildings.

One of the PhD students, Mohammed Alshayeb, installed solar panel monitoring systems, temperature/humidity/light sensors, and even weather stations to record wind speeds on three roofs. These sensors recorded data every 5 minutes. The time is one year, and then Alshayeb analyzes it.

The concept of the solar industry often believes that white roofs are the most friendly to solar panels because they reflect sunlight. However, the researchers found that, compared with black roofs, white roofs actually reflect heat to the solar panels, which in turn leads to a slight reduction in panel efficiency.

And if compared with the green roof, then the slight difference between the black and white roof can be almost ignored, because the solar panel mounted on the green roof performs best, with an average increase of 1.4% of the conversion energy.

There is a lot of research in this area, but Jae Chang, an associate professor at the School of Architecture and Design at Kansas University, said that this study is more comprehensive. The next step is to plan what will happen if the height of the test solar panel is increased on the roof. .

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