What kind of chemicals can be used to prevent watermelon aphids?

Watermelon aphids use the adult and nymphs to cluster in the back, tender stems and young shoots. After the young leaves and growth points are damaged, the leaves are curled up. When the damage is severe, the whole leaves are curled, the growth point is dead, and the growth of the melon seedlings is stagnant. In severe cases, the whole plant can be formed to die in the melon seedling stage. The old leaves are damaged, the leaves are dried up early, the period of melon is shortened, the production is reduced, and the output value and quality are affected.

1, 70% acetamiprid sputum sputum granules, the amount of useful ingredients 21-42 g / ha, the dosage of 2-4 g / mu per acre, sprayed in the nymphs of the locusts

2, 25% thiamethoxam sputum granules, the amount of useful ingredients 30-37.5 g / ha, the amount of preparation per acre 8-10 g / acre, in the nymphs of the young nymphs during the prolonged period of spraying prevention;

3, 10% bromidamide can be used as a suspending oil suspension agent, the amount of useful ingredients is 50-60 g / ha, the dosage of each acre is 33-40 g / acre, and it is sprayed and controlled during the prolonged period of locust nymphs;

4, 50% flunicarbamide cyanine hydrazine granules, the amount of useful ingredients 22.5-37.5 g / ha, the dosage of 3-5 g / mu per acre, sprayed in the nymphs of the lower nymphs;

Because there are many pharmaceutical manufacturers, it is possible to use different dosages. It is recommended to read the instructions carefully and use them according to the recommended dosage. The water consumption per mu is 30 kg, and the above medicines are replaced by rotation, once every 7-10 days, and continuously controlled 2-3 times.

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