US media: Scientists successfully created "Diamond Rain"

Abstract The US media said that in an experiment to simulate the deep conditions inside the glacial giant planet of the solar system, scientists first observed the "diamond rain" formed under high pressure conditions. Extremely high pressure squeezes hydrogen and carbon inside the planet to form a hard diamond...
The US media said that in an experiment designed to simulate the deep conditions inside the glacial giant planet of the solar system, scientists first observed the "diamond rain" formed under high pressure conditions. Extremely high pressure squeezes the hydrogen and carbon inside the planet to form hard diamonds that further slowly settle into the interior.
According to the US Daily Science website reported on August 20th, it has long been assumed that these gleaming sinks come from more than 8,000 kilometers below the surface of Uranus and Neptune, and are produced by a mixture of common hydrogen and carbon. . The interiors of these planets are similar: both contain solid cores surrounded by thick, different ice slurries. For icy planets in the solar system, "ice" refers to hydrogen molecules that combine with lighter elements such as carbon, oxygen, and/or nitrogen.
According to the report, researchers at the National Accelerator Laboratory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in the United States used optical lasers emitted from extreme conditions (MEC) instruments on linear accelerator coherent light source (LCLS) lasers to create shock waves in plastics, thus simulating The environment found inside these planets.
In the experiment, they saw that almost every carbon atom of the original plastic was bonded to a small diamond structure that was a few nanometers wide. The authors of the study predict that diamonds will become much larger on Uranus and Neptune, perhaps weighing millions of carats. The researchers also believe that it is possible for thousands of years for these diamonds to settle slowly, across the planet's ice, and form a thick layer around the solid core.
The report said that the study was published in the 21st issue of the British journal Nature and Astronomy.
Dominique Klaus, a scientist at the HZDR Research Center in Germany and the first author of the research article, said: "In the past, researchers could only assume the formation of diamonds. The moment I saw this latest experimental result, I was engaged in science. One of the best moments since work."
According to the report, experiments that attempted to “recreate” diamond rain under similar conditions could not be used to calculate the measurement results in real time, because these extreme conditions can only be created in the laboratory, and the tiny diamonds will be extremely short under such conditions. Formed within the time. The combination of high-energy optical lasers from MEC instruments and LCLS X-ray pulses lasts only a few femtoseconds (one-billionth of a second), allowing scientists to directly measure chemical reactions.
Some previous experiments have also observed signs of carbon forming graphite or diamonds at lower pressures than those created by this experiment, but other materials introduced have changed the reaction.
According to the report, the results of this experiment are the first clear observations about the formation of diamonds under high pressure, and they are in line with the theoretical predictions about the conditions under which such diamond rain can form. Better describe and divide information about other planets.

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