Bearing production key skills

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Bearing production key skills

Source: China Bearing Network Time: 2013-07-25

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Modern simulation skills are rapidly developed following the extensive use of computers. The specific practice of this skill is to input the bearing load direction, size, smooth method, rotation speed and environmental parameters, and bearing main parameters in a certain operating condition; Calculus; know the number of years the bearing can reach; then evaluate whether the bearing depiction can be used together. This experimental method can greatly shorten the experimental time; reduce the manpower and experimental funds; can be used before the bearing is not finished; A quick and worry-free experimental method. The leading foreign bearing industry companies SKF and NTN have reached the leading level in the study of bearing simulation experiment skills.
At home and abroad, the trend of domestic and foreign bearing test methods; there are four main types: First, the conflict wear experiment; Second, the experimental bench test; Third, the laboratory (experiment. ┠D馐匝椋黄摹 (6) guide た鲈诵惺匝. Foreign applications of the above several experimental methods; but the application intention is not the same; for example; the development of a new product; the first need to do the conflict wear test. But if the friction wear method has not changed much; only the product scale, subject The working conditions change; only the rig, imitation or practical work experiment can be done. The foreign products of some key parts (such as car wheel bearings, etc.) are checked very strictly; they must be tested in practice; Sweden SKF, Japan NTN recently studied the bearing simulation experiment skills, can only replace the bench, imitation or experiment; to shorten the moment of product description; accelerate the progress of product development; but there is still distance from the practice work. Today; China bearing The occupation has opened the conflict wear test; as long as one of Luoyang Bearing Research Institute has opened the bearing bench experiment; there is Luoyang Bearing Research Institute, on Axis Institute, Hangzhou Bearing Experiment Center and Wafangdian, Harbin and other more than 20 state-owned bearing companies, can open the simulation experiment with Luoyang Bearing Research Institute, Hangzhou Bearing Experiment Center and Luo axis, shaft and other companies. Experiment; as long as the supporting host company puts forward this demand, the bearing production company will carry it out; for example, the railway passenger wheel to the bearing and the wheel bearing of the car, etc.; the national connotation open imitation and practical work experiments are not extensive; Expand the size of the host or the scale of the practice; for the simulation experiment, let's talk about the schedule for the soft and hardware preparation.
The main discussion content and guidelines for the simulation experiment; first need to carry out bench or simulation experiments on some representative types of typical products; find the functional relationship between the lifespan and the bearing and working conditions; then use this connection; Carry out bearing depiction and experimental work; this is usually done only for those products that are extremely important. Based on our existing talents; the first ten years of the last policy is to carry out railway vehicle bearings, automotive wheel bearings and high-speed grinding spindle bearings. Simulation experiment research; and gradually have certain simulation experimental conditions. The discussion contents are as follows:
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Sleek Skills and Skills Overview Rolling bearings fail in motion because of the constant wear of the bearings; smooth grease (oil) and smooth methods are different; the effect of falling bearing conflicts is different. Therefore, smooth skills have become an important component of bearing skill research. Part. Some people call smooth grease (oil) the "fifth part of the bearing" (others are inner ring, outer ring, roll cage, cage).
The resistance to the rotation of the rolling bearing consists of tumbling friction, sliding friction and smoothing friction. When the tumbling body rolls over the raceway, it will exhibit tumbling friction, sliding and sliding out of the guiding surface of the tumbling body in the cage, and the rib of the cage. On the guide surface and in the roller bearing, the roller end face and the ferrule rib. The smoothing agent friction is composed of the internal friction of the smoothing agent at the touch and the stirring and kneading of the smoothing agent. The total friction of the set of bearings is tumbling. The sum of friction, sliding friction and smoothing friction is the resistance of the impedance bearing movement. The mission of studying smooth skills is to develop different smooth grease (oil) and its smooth method; make the bearing resistance the most.
Trends at home and abroad are leading foreign industrial countries; bearing smooth grease (oil) under common working conditions; skills and production have been completely cleared; has formed a series of types and mass production talent; the primary trend at that time was to study progress in some special conditions smooth The function of fat; if it is studying the vacuum stability of perfluoroether smooth grease for advanced aerospace; creeping and viscosity-temperature function, such as low-temperature grease; although it has a good effect in application; but its smooth mechanism is not A very good theoretical discussion. Another example; the discussion of the use of gaseous smoothing agents at high temperatures (200-4000C). China's research on the smooth bearing at that time is extremely important; if the funds agree; should deal with the following problems: Improve the service life of the existing sealed bearing smooth grease in normal temperature environment, second; improve the low-noise bearing smooth grease oscillation function, the third; discuss the development of new types of bearing smooth grease under common working conditions; fill the domestic blank.
The main content and guidelines are based on the distance between China's bearing smooth grease and foreign countries; the content and guidelines for smooth grease in the next decade are: to study the method of improving the smooth grease life; for sealed bearings for household appliances (such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners, computers, Air conditioners, etc.) and it is difficult to repair or disassemble sealed bearings (fine machine tool spindles, fine external shafts, deep-water machine transmission systems, etc.) that cause damage to the working accuracy; the smooth grease life used is equivalent to the mechanical life, Discuss the smooth noise reduction of the grease; make the low noise bearing (v3/z3, v4/z4, etc.) get the noise reduction value of 3-5dB or more, and research and develop 15-20 new types of smooth grease; constitute the basis of the series of bearing smooth grease in China Format: about 8-10 kinds of high temperature, normal temperature, low temperature, etc.; usually medium or very high level of motor bearing smooth grease 5-8 types and 5-8 kinds of bearing smooth grease under special working conditions such as space sail sea.
Sealing skills and skills summary of newly unrolled rolling bearings; the corresponding sealing equipment is installed on both end faces. Its function is to ensure that the smooth grease (oil) inside the bearing will not be lost during operation; ensure that the bearing is in a smooth condition, another The aspect is to protect the bearing; so that the dust and harmful gases from the outside will not enter the bearing cavity; avoid damage to the bearing. Commonly there are rubber or engineering plastic sealing ring; there are also steel plate sealing ring (or dust cover). There are many kinds of sealing layouts; the sealing function is different. There is a gap between the sealing ring and the bearing; it is called non-touch sealing; the more the gap is, the more the rubber is, the bad city is screaming.岢 湮藜湎 湮藜湎 模 怀 怀 怀 怀 哟ナ 哟ナ 哟ナ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ 芊馊哟ゴ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corresponding sealing equipment under working conditions; and the compatibility of the sealing ring material with the corresponding smooth grease.
Trends at home and abroad Japan's major bearing companies (Seiko, Dongpu, etc.) represent the direction of bearing sealing skills. They have a long history in developing sealing skills and bearing equipment skills; the depth of the study is deep; Sophisticated. From a single sealing lip to a multi-sealing lip; from the touch seal to open a non-touch seal, etc., from the product type; ball bearings, roller bearings have. China has followed the trend of the world; also opened a seal Deep groove ball bearings, water pump bearings, railway (tapered roller) bearings, needle bearings and short cylindrical roller bearings; the deep groove ball bearings have the largest output value; the most widely used. According to the National Skills Supervision Bureau The results of China's sealed bearing quality testing results; China's sealed bearing layout design problems are large; the sealing effect is not good; the leakage of fat is more serious; the user response is fierce. After analysis; the primary reason is that China's current seal circle layout is unreasonable The inner ring does not have a sealing groove; in addition, the production precision is not advanced. Therefore, the trend of China's bearing sealing skills is unfolding Yes: Represented by deep groove ball bearings; open sealing skill test; find the best sealing ring layout and optimal sealing gap, open sealing data discussion; find wear resistance; aging resistance; high temperature and corrosion resistance; Sealing life; develop a sealing ring that operates under high temperature conditions or under harmful atmospheric conditions to lay down the skill base.
The main discussion content and policy are based on the current low quality of sealed bearings in China; the first discussion is: firstly to strengthen the research experiment; screen out the seal layout of deep groove ball bearings and develop the layout of the bearing inner ring seal groove; The current deep ditch also needs the replacement of the bearing seal layout; the competition for this type of bearing sealing function in 2005 to catch up with the world's leading level of similar products in the late 1990s, followed by the development of China's car industry; development suitable for 120 -1800C high temperature sealed bearings for long time operation at high temperature. The third is to develop a new layout of conical and cylindrical roller bearing series for railway vehicle bearings.
Noise Reduction Skills Overview Bearing noise is an important source of pollution for the environment; it is also an important guideline for bearing professional demand control; especially for home appliances; working machinery, instrument appearance, bearing noise limit is more outstanding. For more than ten years; China's bearing occupation Many operations have been done to reduce the bearing noise; the level of noise reduction of the bearing has been greatly improved; but compared with foreign countries; there is still a certain distance; the user reflects the outstanding problem of "uneven sound"; that is, the bearing work presents an irregularity. The sudden sound; even the scream. The bearing noise has many influence factors; it is also very messy; the demand is drawn from the whole of the bearing; the inner ring, the outer ring, the cage, the roll body and the smooth oil (fat) of each part of the bearing go Analyze and discuss; also need to analyze the data used in each part of the bearing, the process of the processing process and even the equipment and process materials selected in the project. This is the fundamental content touched by the bearing noise skill.
The development of trending skills at home and abroad is endless; although the level of bearing noise reduction of foreign leading bearing companies (NSK, SKF, etc.) is already high; however, further development directions are proposed; that is, the development of "silent" bearings; The trend of noise technology in China's bearing products in the next decade is: first, to deal with the "unusual sound" of the bearing; second, to make the level of vibration reduction a new level; that is, to catch the bearing of foreign leading industrial countries in the late 1990s s level.
The main discussion content and policy is to know the bearing "uneven" problem and make the level of vibration drop to a new level; add the control amplitude limit to the skill standard; thus; the primary discussion is to improve the roll of the external surface and the ring raceway. Degree; the smoothness of the guide between the treatment cage and the tumbling body; together to reduce the impurity particle size of the smooth grease (oil); the balance with the corresponding tumbling surface touch. The required roll and raceway roughness control is 0. 001μm, the impurity particles of smooth grease is not more than 0. 01μm, and the roundness of the ball and socket of the cage is improved; the precision of the turbulence between the cage and the roller is 0. 01μm.

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