Detailed explanation of the correct correction method for the cutter beam of a small harvester

Detailed explanation of the correct correction method for the cutter beam of a small harvester

The harvesting table of the small corn harvester is parked on the trailer dedicated trailer. When parking, try to make the two ends of the harvesting table bear the supporting force. Do not put the middle U -shaped beam on the girder of the trailer. Check for any breaks, if any, correct them first.

Remove the knife before calibration to prevent the knife from being deformed during calibration, and then remove the knife guard completely. One person visually observes and points out the deformation of the beam from the tip of the blade to the end of the blade. The other person takes the chalk at the high point, the second highest point, the third highest point, and waits until the marker line is cut. Punching machine . Then, according to the number of marks, a corresponding number of jacks ( 5 to 8t ) and round logs ( 10 to 15 cm in diameter) are prepared. One end of the log is opened into a V -shaped groove, and the other end is sawed into a plane. The length of the log is determined according to the measured distance during operation. After preparing some flat iron or flat wrench. After the preparation is completed, a jack and a log are slanted between the high point of the cutter beam and the square beam at the upper part of the corn combine harvester. One end of the V -groove of the round wood is just above the corner of the square beam, and the plane just sits on top of the jack. The bottom of the jack sits on the corner of the cutter beam. High pressure blower   Centrifugal ventilators will be prepared flat iron plate or flat wrench pad in the angle between the jack and the cutter beam, header platform, so that the jack is stable. Slowly raise the jack, make the cutter beam excessive deformation of 1 to 2 cm. Then, the second highest point and the third highest point are pushed up one after another. After jacking up, park for 1 to 2 hours before loosening the jack. Check whether the cutter beam is straight and if not straight, use the above method to cold press until satisfied. The jacks can be replaced when cold pressure is applied again. Operation must pay attention to safety, the jack must be stable, the operator must work sideways, beware of jacks outward wounded.

Single Lever Basin Mixer

A single-handed, single-hole faucet means a faucet that has only one switch and is not adjustable. This type of faucet is either hot or cold, or a double-pipe mixture of water, but it can only choose one or the other, and the water temperature is not adjustable. Brass Faucets for basin including 3 types, basin mixers, cold water basin taps, self closing basin taps. These become the first choice products of engineering in international market and domestic market.

Single lever basin mixer,Single lever basin faucet,Basin Faucet