There is no processing method for the inventor publisher toolbar in Word.

After the Inventor Publisher 2012 installation is complete, there will be a for word add-in in the Add/Remove Programs. This plugin does not need to be selected and will appear directly after the installation is complete. Currently Inventor publisher only supports Word 2007 and 2010.

There is no processing method for the inventor publisher toolbar in Word.

But sometimes the installation does not have an error message, but the software is not installed properly. The following is the processing method.

1. First install the following two components manually, as these two components are required, just in case they are not installed.



2. Browse to X:\x64\Inventor Publisher\ProgFiles\Autodesk\Inventor Publisher 2012

3, then run the following 3 programs in sequence




Then start the Word document and you will see it.

Shoulder Bags

Dongguan C.Y. RedApple Industrial Limited ,