Chili heartworm prevention and control technology

Pepper borer, also known as tobacco budworm, tobacco leaf moth, is the main pest of pepper. The larvae feed on flower buds, fruits, leaves and buds, and the pepper fruits are drilled, and the holes are visible outside the fruit. The whole larvae are drilled in the fruit, and a large amount of feces is eaten and drained, so that the fruit is inedible, and the fruit is rotted and the fruit is dripped.

Prevention and control of pepper borer can be controlled by high-efficiency, low-toxic, low-residue and pollution-free pesticides . Use chrysanthemum pesticides to quickly kill Ding, Laifuling, Kungfu 5000~6000 times liquid spray; spray with microbial pesticide "HD-1" 1000 times solution, 100 ml spores of Acaricidal solution per ml, control effect More than 90%.

More pesticide knowledge , please pay attention to China Pesticide Network

Vacuum Cleaner

The garden cacuum cleaner is a portable appliance for bloweing and vacuuming. It is capable of vacuuming leaves and similar light materials which are deposited in a collection bag.

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