Autumn watermelon weeding should pay attention to skills

The best time for the birth of watermelon is warm, light, water and fertilizer. Usually, this condition is beneficial to the growth and development of watermelon, and it is also an excellent symbiotic period for all kinds of weeds. Weeds not only inhibit the normal growth of watermelon, but also reduce the yield and quality of watermelon. Therefore, chemical weeding must be done in a timely manner.
At present, there are many varieties of watermelons. In terms of maturity, they can be divided into early, medium and late varieties. Therefore, the application of herbicides should be carried out in stages. In the process of implementing chemical weeding, some farmers can successfully grasp the application technology, and some farmers have also experienced some technical mistakes. For example, some farmers choose selective herbicides , which kill both weeds and melons. Some farmers misuse the herbicides, except for weeds and melons; some farmers apply herbicides. When the concentration is right, the herbicidal effect is very good. Some farmers apply too much dose, causing burns in the melon seedlings, slowing of the growth, and there is no obvious effect after applying the herbicide. According to the analysis of the reasons, the researchers believe that the main mistakes are as follows: First, the selected herbicide varieties are not correct; second, the application dose is improper; third, the application time is not appropriate; fourth, the operation method is not in place. In order to improve the effect of applying herbicides on watermelon cultivation, and summing up the lessons of the past, the farmers should pay attention to mastering the medication techniques.
First, select the herbicide variety. Before the seedlings are planted, the 25% ampicillin emulsifiable concentrate, or 80% chlorpyrifos WP, or 50% oxalylamine WP can be used as a herbicide. 2 to 3 days before transplanting watermelon seedlings, 48% trifluralin EC, or 48% dilamine EC, or 50% metolachlor EC can be used as a herbicide. Before the weeds are transplanted, the herbicides such as 48% trifluralin or 33% pendimethalin can be used. During the growth period of watermelon, 35% flurazepam emulsifiable concentrate, or 20% spirulina emulsifiable concentrate, or 12.5% ​​flupirtine emulsifiable concentrate may be used.
Second, pay attention to the operation method. After applying the herbicide, the physiological response of watermelon is very sensitive, and it is easy to make mistakes when neglected. Therefore, the film is covered immediately after spraying the herbicide to prevent rain. For soil treatment with volatile herbicides such as trifluralin, mix with soil immediately after application. For the non-volatile herbicides, protect the film layer after spraying pesticides , and do not walk on the application soil. After transplanting the watermelon seedlings, do a targeted spray and do not injure the melon seedlings. At the same time, according to the soil texture and weather conditions, the amount of application should be mastered. The sand field is slightly lower, the clay field is slightly higher, and when the soil moisture is insufficient, the amount of water should be increased.
Third, strictly apply the dose. Use 25% ampicillin emulsifiable concentrate, apply 200 ml per acre, or use 80% isopropyl WP for 100-150 g per mu, or 50% naproxil wettable powder for 150-200 g per mu, or 48% trifluralin emulsifiable concentrate 100~150 ml per mu, or 48% dilamine emulsifiable concentrate 150~200 ml per mu, or 50% metolachlor emulsifiable concentrate 50 ml per acre, or 33% diamyl emulsifiable concentrate 100-150 ml per mu, or 35% flurazepam emulsifiable concentrate 70-80 ml per mu, or 20% rare stilbene emulsifiable concentrate 100-150 ml per mu, or 12.5% ​​fine quizalofol emulsifiable concentrate 65 ml per acre, China The pesticide network reminds everyone that the above herbicides are sprayed on 40 to 50 kilograms of water per acre.

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