Symptoms and correction of sulfur deficiency in several cash crops

Peanut deficiency symptoms and correction
Symptoms of sulfur deficiency in peanuts: The new leaves are small and yellow, and the color around the main veins of the leaves becomes lighter, sometimes the old leaves remain green; the petiole of the sulfur-deficient plants tends to stand upright, the three leaflets are "V" type, and the plants are short. Sulfur content of peanuts According to Cheema and Avora (1984), the critical value of sulfur content in peanut plants is 0.20%. Singh (1991) reported that the critical value of sulfur content in peanut plants grown for 60 days was 0.24%. Peddy et al. (1988) reported that the critical value of sulfur content in peanut leaves was 0.23%. The critical value of soil available sulfur in peanut fields: calcium chloride (0.15%) extraction method is 10 mg S / kg; hot water dissolution method is 11 mg S / kg. Correction of peanut sulphur-deficient peanut sulphur fertilizer is usually 20-50 kg sulfur / hectare. In Bangladesh, India and several African countries, the application of sulphur fertilizer to peanuts has a significant effect on increasing yield. According to China's seven test statistics, the increase in peanut pods ranged from 5.0% to 14%, with an average increase of 8.3%. In Bangladesh, 30 kg of sulfur per hectare is applied and pods are increased by 21%-25%. In India, when applying 41 kg of sulfur per hectare, each kilogram of sulfur can increase the yield of 6.8 kg of pods, while increasing the oil content of peanut kernels by 5.1%. In countries such as Togo, Senegal, Niger and Benin in Africa, when the amount of sulfur fertilizer is 12-30 kg sulfur/ha, the peanut pod yield increase is 5.7%-45%, with an average yield increase of 20%.

Tobacco deficiency symptoms and correction
Symptoms of tobacco deficiency: The new leaves are uniformly yellowish green, while the old leaves remain green, then develop to the whole plant yellowing, the leaves are small, and the internodes are short. Tobacco sulphur content Tobacco plants with sulfur content below 0.15% are sulfur-deficient, and sulfur content is normal from 0.2% to 0.3%. According to Wedin (1958), the sulfur content of tobacco leaves is in the range of 0.18%-0.53%, which has no significant effect on the combustion performance. Correcting Tobacco Desulfurization In the grey alluvial soil of Rangpur, Bangladesh, the amount of sulfur used in tobacco is typically 30 kg sulfur/ha. With the application of sulphur fertilizer, the output of flue-cured tobacco increased from 2.1 tons/ha to 2.3 tons/ha.

Sugarcane deficiency symptoms and correction

    Symptoms of sugar cane deficiency: Young leaves show a uniform yellow-green color, and then the old leaves are also light green or yellowish. The edge of the lost green leaves can be reddish, the leaves become narrower, shorter, and the stems are shorter and thinner. Sugarcane sulphur content The sugar content of sugarcane is less than 0.13%, it is sulfur-deficient sugarcane; the sulfur content is 0.2%-0.3% is a normal plant. The critical value of soil available sulfur in sugarcane orchards: 20 mg S/kg with ammonium acetate (0.5 mol/L) + acetic acid (0.25 mol/L). Correcting Sugarcane Desulfurization In countries such as Bangladesh, Brazil, India and Madagascar, sulfur cane application has a significant yield-increasing effect. The application of sulphur fertilizer in the sulfur-deficient area not only increases production by 20%-30%, but also increases its sugar content. In Guangxi, China, sugar cane application increased by 29.0%. India applies 15-20 kg of sulfur per hectare in the sulfur-deficient areas, increasing sugar cane yield by 13%-19%. Usually, the amount of fertilizer applied in the sugarcane garden is 20-40 kg sulfur/ha, which is applied as base fertilizer or top dressing.
Symptoms and correction of sulfur deficiency in cotton
Symptoms of cotton deficiency: the new leaves are yellow, the color between the veins becomes lighter, and the veins remain green, the petiole is red, and sometimes the old leaves remain green. Sulphur content of cotton plants When the sulphur content of cotton plants is less than 0.25%, it indicates that the cotton is deficient in sulfur; when the sulphur content of cotton plants is 0.3%, it is normal; when the sulphur content of cotton is higher than 0.35%, it is rich in sulfur. . Correcting cotton deficiency in sulfur in Benin, Togo and other African cotton-growing countries, the effect of sulfur fertilizer is significant, and the amount of sulfur fertilizer is usually 25%-33% of the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. The amount of cotton sulphur fertilizer in the southern United States is 9-36 kg sulphur/ha. In India, the application of sulphur fertilizer in cotton increased the yield by 18%-49% and the average yield increased by 33%. (
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