Survey of methanol engine and engine research by Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute

Improve technology, standard evaluation, and orderly advancement

In terms of economic cycle, coal resources are the most realistic resource to replace petroleum resources. At the same time, the use of methanol as a vehicle alternative fuel can not only alleviate the country's energy tensions, but also promote China's early occupation of coal comprehensive utilization - the high-concentration characteristics of coal chemical technology, the higher the point, the more opportunities and conditions in coal energy conversion The comprehensive treatment technology of the released carbon dioxide is for humans to find effective ways to reduce emissions in advance.

Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute is the lead unit of the National Science and Technology Commission's “Eleventh Five-Year” 863 “Methanol Vehicle Test and Evaluation Technology Research and Development” project, and also the national standards of “M15 methanol gasoline for vehicles” and “high-grade methanol gasoline for vehicles”. The drafting lead unit has complete test conditions, standard engine product comprehensive testing capabilities, modern engine product development and identification engineering processes and resources. In the development and application of methanol alternative fuel vehicles, the Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute has supported the research and development of methanol fuel engines for many years, through the development of methanol vehicles of Shanghai Automotive and Shanghai Huapu Automobile Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Huayi Group Coking Co., Ltd. With the preparation and supply of methanol fuel, Shanghai has formed a standardized and systematic research and development team for methanol vehicles and methanol fuel systems. The team not only promotes the application of methanol alternative energy for their respective technical and product goals, but also undertakes research on the application of methanol alternative fuels with the Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute as the core: taking the lead in drafting national standards such as methanol gasoline (issued by the National Standards Commission), research And define the methanol vehicle test evaluation technology system (863 project). Combined with their respective industrial advantages and technical characteristics, Shanghai constitutes a complete industrial chain from methanol alternative fuels to methanol vehicles, and takes advantage of the role and influence played in the process of methanol alternative fuel standardization to form favorable conditions for industrial development.

In the field of methanol alternative fuels, Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute has consistently carried out methanol engine adaptive verification and technical research and development with professional internal combustion engine and automobile R&D test evaluation procedures and methods. Focusing on the adaptability research of M15 methanol car and the development of complete solution of M100 methanol engine, the company has established a professional development technical team in methanol automobile and related fields, formed a number of patented technologies, and accumulated a large number of M15 and M100 methanol vehicle engineering practices. Test data and development experience.

Through the research and development work of the M15 engine and sedan, the Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute has verified the M15 engine based on the completion of methanol gasoline and additive formulation research, combined with the auxiliary application of the methanol gasoline engine controller and the engine performance rematching test. The ability to reduce HC and CO emissions and restore power; in the technical measures to ensure the durability of the engine, the technical route to solve the phenomenon of accumulation of piston ring deposits by special lubricating oil is adopted, and a special lubricating oil suitable for methanol gasoline engine is developed. To ensure the smooth completion of the vehicle endurance test; after completing the 100,000 km road endurance test of the two prototypes, the main engine parts and fuel system were tested, and the performance of the fuel system components basically reached the product standard. The feasibility of using M15 methanol gasoline on Volkswagen cars.

Based on a comprehensive summary of the various problems faced by high-volume methanol applications, the Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute has proposed and developed a flexible mixing solution (FeFE technology) and an electronically controlled fuel system for M100-based alcohol fuels. The contradiction between practicability and advancement maintains the cold start performance of the car and the conventional and unconventional emission levels of the cold machine are consistent with conventional gasoline cars. At the same time, it comprehensively solves various adaptive problems faced by the M100 application, as well as technical problems such as major changes to the engine, and successfully applied to the industrial development and application of the M100 sedan.

The Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute has developed a research and development plan for methanol alternative fuels for the next three years. Based on the principle of leading technology, easy to use, improve efficiency and reduce emissions, along the route of alcohol and hydrogen technology, we will focus on the development of methanol engine technology based on methanol fuel reforming, and the post-treatment of engine emissions will be mainly based on fuel pretreatment. , the technical state of the combination before and after. At the same time, it will focus on the development of various new technologies involved in the application of methanol fuel on diesel engines, further improve the efficiency of methanol engines, and at the same time strengthen the advantages of methanol engines to reduce emissions.

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