If you encounter a value that has been calculated using the base calculator, you can use the F3 key to enter this calculation into any highlighted line of the dedicated calculator. You can also use this technique in reverse, just press F4 to copy any highlighted value from the dedicated calculator to the base calculator window. No matter which operator (LOAD, +, -, *, /) is highlighted, it will be executed at the same time, and then you can use the base calculator to add, subtract, multiply and divide the value at will.
Want to try this copy-paste trick? First switch to EDIT mode (press the EDIT button) to see the program you are working on. Press F3 and the value in the calculator will be displayed on the data entry line at the bottom left of the EDIT page, ready to be entered into your program.
The next page will bring you a complete circle. Press the PAGE DOWN button and the triangle calculator will be converted to a circle calculator. The work on this page is generally the same as the previous page, and even superior. In this process, the circle calculator produces the demo G code. You will get a circular motion code in the form of a complete and incremental command. Just highlight the line you want, switch to the EDIT page, press F3, and copy the selected line from the circle calculator to the data entry line to insert it into your program.
Press the PAGE DOWN button again and you will find the third dedicated calculator, often referred to as the “Milling and Tapping†(called turning and tapping on a lathe) calculator page. This calculator is probably the most useful.
In milling machine control, MILLING is displayed at the top of the screen and TURNING is displayed during lathe control.
Enter the recommended surface for the material you are cutting—speed and feed per tooth, as well as the workpiece or tool diameter and the number of tool edges. The controller calculates the spindle speed value and feedrate based on the values ​​you enter. As long as you give a specific value, the controller can calculate the remaining value. This sooner or later will come in handy when programming a machine or optimizing a program.
The MILLING version of this page includes a section called MATERIAL, which provides recommended surfaces for 21 different materials—speed and feed per tooth. Use the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys to scroll through the bill of materials, which are distinguished from “20 gray cast iron†to “heat resistant cobalt alloyâ€.
The lower part of the page is also "Speed ​​and Feed", including a simple calculator for calculating the pitch, spindle speed and feedrate during hard tapping. Enter any two of these values ​​and the calculator can calculate the third value.
The last two calculator pages can help solve additional trigonometry problems. Pressing PAGE DOWN continuously displays the CIRCLE-LINE-TANGENT and CIRCLE-CIRCLE-TANGENT pages.
These pages can help you determine the tangent point of a circle and a line, or the intersection of two circles and a common tangent. These problems occur much more often than we think, and without the calculator, the handling of these problems can become cumbersome.
The CIRCLE-CIRCLE-TANGENT case is the most difficult to handle because there are a total of four tangent points between the two circles and the two common tangent lines. Enter the position of the X and Y axes and the radius of the two circles, and the calculator gives four tangent points on the X and Y axes. Press F1 to switch between two different scenarios. Then there is a data prompt asking for the "F" (from) or "T" (to) point coordinates, and then you can get the automatically generated G code. As before, you can paste these lines of G code into your program by pressing F3 to paste the highlighted line of code into the data entry line in EDIT mode. The command line you inserted later will be executed.
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