The increase of agricultural production should pay attention to the application of sulfur fertilizer

Sulfur is one of the 16 nutrients necessary for crops. In the past, for a long period of time, it was mainly to increase the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to increase the yield of crops, and the application of sulfur fertilizers has not attracted the attention of farmers. In areas of the world where sulfur is deficient in varying degrees of sulfur, the amount of sulfur applied has increased exponentially, especially in the sulphur fertilizers in the tropics. The application of sulphur fertilizer in China's sulfur-deficient areas can generally increase crop yield by 15% to 20% and improve crop quality. For example, the application of sulfur to flue-cured tobacco, citrus and other crops not only increases production, but also greatly improves the intrinsic quality; after applying sulfur fertilizer, such as rapeseed, early rice, pasture, and legume crops, the yield will also increase significantly. Tests show that citrus, soybean, sugar cane, peanuts, sweet potatoes, tea and other crops have a significant increase in sulfur application, generally more than 10%.

One of the reasons for crop sulfur deficiency is that the soil itself is deficient in sulfur. For most red soils in the south, the sulfur content is low, generally below 0.03%, while the available phosphorus is only 16~30ppm. In the production, the sulfur deficiency of crops is extremely common due to the imbalance of nitrogen and sulfur ratio. The ratio of nitrogen and sulfur required for normal growth of crops is as large as 14:1. With the large use of nitrogen fertilizer, there will be different degrees of sulfur deficiency. Second, with the increase in multiple cropping indices and yield per unit area, more and more sulfur is removed from the soil. At present, fertilizer varieties are constantly pursuing high concentrations. In particular, most manufacturers replace urea sulfate with urea, ammonium phosphate instead of calcium phosphate, potassium chloride instead of potassium sulfate, and chemical fertilizers containing sulfur are decreasing, making the sulfur needed in the soil unable to make ends meet. . The third is the use of heavy calcium fertilizer. In the past, when low concentrations of calcium (superphosphate) were applied, there was no problem of sulfur deficiency in the soil, because the main component in calcium is monocalcium phosphate and the secondary component is calcium sulfate. Therefore, calcium can not only provide phosphorus nutrition for crops, but also enable crops to obtain sulfur nutrition. In some places, heavy superphosphate is applied all the year round. This fertilizer has been improved in the manufacturing method so that the fertilizer does not contain impurities such as calcium sulfate, so that the phosphorus content is greatly increased. Heavy calcium, also known as double-material super-calcium phosphate or three-material super-calcium phosphate, is a fine product in phosphate fertilizer, but naturally it will cause sulfur deficiency problems.

Symptoms of crop sulphur deficiency When the crop is deficient in sulfur, its appearance symptoms are similar to those of nitrogen deficiency. The leaves are light green or yellow. The deficiency occurs first on the leaves of young leaves. Generally, the buds turn yellow first, and the heart leaves lose green and yellow. The plants are yellow and uniform, the stems are slender, the roots are slender and unbranched, the flowering is delayed, and the fruit is reduced. The symptoms of nitrogen deficiency are first started from the lower old leaves, and the symptoms of sulfur deficiency start from the upper part of the new leaves. It is easy to distinguish. The sulphur deficiency of rapeseed and cotton often shows that flowering continues continuously, flower buds cannot develop, seeds are not fully developed, and plants are dwarfed. When the rice is deficient in sulfur, the greening is slow, no tillering or less tillering, the plant is thin and short, the leaves are thin, the young leaves are pale green or yellow-green, the tip of the leaves is water-soaked round brown spots, the tip of the leaves is scorched, and the roots are dark brown. , white roots are less, and the growth period is delayed. Vegetables are deficient in sulfur, plants are generally chlorotic, and later growth is inhibited. It usually occurs first on the young leaves (buds) to start uniform yellowing, throughout the whole leaf, when it is severe, it turns white, and the veins do not leave green. The stem is thin, the root is slender and not branched, the flowering is delayed, the shell rate is high, and the fruit is small. Leguminosae and cruciferous and onion garlic crops are prone to sulfur deficiency.

Reasonable application of sulfur fertilizer At present, sulfur fertilizer suitable for crop application mainly includes sulfur powder, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate and gypsum powder. Due to different crop types, soil types and fertilization purposes, the application amount, application method and fertilization period of sulfur fertilizer are different, and the amount of application is generally more than that of application and acupoint application. Water-soluble fertilizers (such as sulphate sulphur fertilizer) can be used as base fertilizer, top dressing and seed fertilizer; water-insoluble fertilizers (such as sulphur-based sulphur fertilizer) are generally used as base fertilizers, and should be applied as base fertilizers. Sulfate fertilizers are generally recommended. Such as ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, gypsum, potassium sulfate, etc.; sulfur fertilizer, there is a highly efficient dispersion of granular sulfur fertilizer. The recommended amount of sulphur fertilizer for different crops is different. The recommended amount of sulphur fertilizer is 1.3~2.7 kg/mu for cereals, 2.4 kg/mu for beans, oil and vegetables, and 2.7-5.3 kg/mu for sugar. At the same time, the application of sulfur fertilizer should be combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to achieve nutrient balance. In order to achieve optimal growth of the crop, the ratio of nitrogen to sulfur in the plant is 15:1~20:1. When the crop is fertilized, the ratio of nitrogen to sulfur is generally 7:1, and the ratio of phosphorus pentoxide to sulfur is preferably 3:1.
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