Solar water heaters, as the name suggests, are devices that use solar heating to obtain hot water. With the development of science and technology, solar water heaters are deeply loved by consumers because of their novelty, environmental protection, energy saving and convenience, and the number of installations has increased year by year. For the purpose of heat collection, people are accustomed to installing solar water heaters in sunny places on the roof, and such installations often exceed the height of the original lightning protection devices on the building, so that they are completely exposed to direct lightning strikes, and have built-in The electric heating power line and the sensing signal line pass through the room, and there are many metal components. In fact, the water heater becomes a lightning receptor. Once a building suffers a lightning strike, the water heater is often the subject of “strikes.†Moreover, some of the lightning currents will directly enter the user's room through the water heater's pipelines, power lines and signal lines, thus creating a lightning hazard, if not taking scientific and effective measures. Lightning protection measures will cause water heaters and household appliances to be burned, and explosions, fires or casualties will occur.
1. The more reliable method is to install the water heater within the lightning protection zone.
2. Solar water heaters should be protected against lightning. Specific design and construction should be completed by professionals.
3. If it is impossible to install a lightning rod, the water heater should be connected to the original lightning protection device on the roof. It is recommended that solar water heaters should not be used when thundering.
1. The more reliable method is to install the water heater within the lightning protection zone.
2. Solar water heaters should be protected against lightning. Specific design and construction should be completed by professionals.
3. If it is impossible to install a lightning rod, the water heater should be connected to the original lightning protection device on the roof. It is recommended that solar water heaters should not be used when thundering.
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