Guilin Hengfeng successfully developed a new polycrystalline tool

Abstract In the past, the field of superhard tools has been monopolized by foreign countries. Guilin Hengfeng Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guilin Hengfeng Company") has re-innovated through digestion and absorption. At present, it has successfully developed a cubic boron nitride single crystal powder to be added...

In the past, the field of superhard tools has been monopolized by foreign countries. Guilin Hengfeng Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guilin Hengfeng Company") has succeeded in developing a new type of cubic boron nitride single crystal powder by adding a certain adhesive to the high temperature and high pressure sintering. A non-metallic material that has been sharpened to form a tool product. This product is widely used in some domestic roller, industrial pump and auto parts processing enterprises. Compared with traditional cemented carbide and ceramic tools, the cutting efficiency is doubled, which greatly reduces the procurement cost of the tool.
The use of this super-hard tool for all kinds of high-hardness and difficult-to-machine rolls has achieved good results in the waste truck, roughing and finishing, and the efficiency is improved by 2~6 times, thus reducing the working time and energy consumption by about 50%~70. %. For example, the roll company of a steel group adopts the polycrystalline cubic boron nitride whole blade of Guilin Hengfeng Company, and the roughing and semi-finishing of the chilled cast iron roll of hardness HRC65 is increased by 3 times. Each processing of a roll can reduce energy consumption and working hours by about 400 yuan.

The tool is a special tool for cutting metal materials. The improvement of the surface quality of the workpiece and the machining efficiency of the machine is largely due to the selection and optimization of the tool. The polycrystalline cubic boron nitride knives have the characteristics of high hardness, good impact resistance, good wear resistance, high thermal stability and good chemical stability. In addition, the blade can be repeatedly sharpened to reduce tool costs.

At present, the polycrystalline cubic boron nitride tool produced by Guilin Hengfeng Company has been widely used in high chromium steel, high carbon semi-steel rolls, high chromium iron, high nickel chromium cast iron rolls and welding rolls, and quenched forged steel cold rolls. In the field of hard-to-machine materials, it can smoothly realize one hardening process, eliminating the need of annealing and quenching, and saving a lot of manpower and financial resources for the roll manufacturing enterprises.

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