What is photovoltaic? Why is it called photovoltaic?

Shenma is photovoltaic power?

Photovoltaic power generation refers to the power generation method that uses solar photovoltaic cells to convert solar radiation directly into electrical energy. It utilizes the photovoltaic effect of the semiconductor interface to convert solar radiation into electrical energy. "Photovoltaic" is short for "photovoltaic effect." Photovoltaic power generation is the mainstream of today's solar power generation, so now people usually say that solar power generation mainly refers to photovoltaic power generation.

God Ma is a "photovoltaic effect"?

Photovoltaic cells are semiconductor devices with photo-electricity conversion characteristics. They directly convert solar radiation into direct current and are the most basic unit of photovoltaic generation.

The electrical characteristics of photovoltaic cells are the incorporation of certain elements (such as phosphorus or boron) into the crystalline silicon, thereby creating a permanent imbalance in the molecular charge of the material and forming semiconducting materials with special electrical properties. Under sunlight, semiconductors with special electrical properties can generate free charges. These free charges move and accumulate in a directed manner so that an electromotive force is formed at both ends and an electric current is generated when both ends are closed by a conductor. This is the "photovoltaic effect", referred to as the photovoltaic effect.

Shenma is a distributed photovoltaic power generation?

Distributed photovoltaic power generation refers to the photovoltaic power generation facilities that are built near the user's site and whose operating mode is based on the user-side self-use, with excess electricity being available on the Internet and characterized by the balanced adjustment of the distribution system. This system is located near the user and the power generation can be utilized locally.

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