How to prevent and control wheat pests and weeds? Wheat pest and disease control method

Nowadays, many wheats have entered the planting period. Wheat, pests and weeds are important factors affecting wheat yield. The pests and diseases of wheat in autumn seedlings mainly include underground pests, wheat stubble, powdery mildew, leaf rust, weeds, etc. It can not only control the pests and diseases of seedlings, but also reduce the number of insects and pesticides in winter, which is of great significance for ensuring the harvest of wheat in the next year. Here is a brief introduction to the prevention and control methods of wheat pests and diseases.

Wheat mainly has these pests and diseases:

The underground pests of underground pests are golden needles, mites and mites, and the former two are mainly harmful. The golden worm is a general name for the larvae of the scorpion, including the golden worm, the scutellaria, and the golden worm. The larvae can bite off the newly unearthed wheat seedlings, or they can feed into the roots of the grown seedlings. The victim is not completely bitten and the fracture is not neat. Quercus is the general name for the larvae of the golden tortoise, mainly in the autumn and spring seedling stage of wheat, which can bite the underground rhizome of wheat, resulting in lack of seedlings and ridges.

It is commonly known as greasy worm, and it is one of the main pests that damage wheat. The main species are wheat long tube stalk, cereal glutinous rice glutinous rice, wheat bismuth glutinous rice and wheat non-network long tube stalk. The wheat bran can directly suck the wheat juice and spread the virus disease. In the wheat seedling stage, the wheat bran is concentrated on the back of the wheat leaf, the leaf sheath and the heart leaf, and the damage is yellowish spots. When it is serious, the leaves are yellow and even the whole plant is dead.

Powdery mildew can occur in all parts of the plant during the whole growth period of wheat. The pathogens are mainly harmful to the leaves, and in severe cases, they are also harmful to the sheath, stem and ear. The surface of the diseased part is covered with a layer of white powdery mildew. The later mildew layer gradually turns from white to gray or even brown, and black particles are scattered. Severely ill strains are often short and weak, with no spikes or short spikes.

Rust is commonly known as jaundice, and there are three kinds of rust, leaf rust and stem rust. The common feature is that the affected parts produce fresh yellow, reddish brown or dark brown urediospores and teliospores. The difference is that the strips are rusted, the leaves are rusted, and the stem rust is a large red spot. The main occurrence of this city is wheat leaf rust, which is mainly caused by leaves, and sometimes it can also be harmful sheath and stem.

Sowing wormwood, also known as yellow flower grass, wheat wormwood, etc., is one of the main weeds that damage winter wheat. Its seeds are extremely small, easy to be mixed in the wheat seeds with the seed transport and spread, but also with the farmyard manure, ground watering, wind and so on.


In the autumn prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests, the prevention and control measures of “seed agent treatment + seedling stage pest control” can be adopted.

Seed treatment

Coating wheat seeds before seeding or dressing with pesticides is the main measure to prevent underground pests and prevent wheat seedlings, soil-borne diseases, and powdery mildew and leaf rust in autumn seedlings. The key measures of the seedlings. Farmers can scientifically adjust the type of coating or seed dressing according to the occurrence of local pests and diseases, to ensure that the wheat "white seeds" do not go to the ground.

Seedling stage pest control

In the autumn wheat field, the weeds are small and the drug resistance is poor. It is a favorable opportunity for chemical weeding. Chemical weeding can be carried out according to the occurrence of weeds in the field. Chemical weeding should be carried out after the wheat tillering stage and the weeds 2-4 leaf stage. For wheat fields mainly based on the weeds, such as sage, amaranth, etc., 10 g of bensulfuron-methyl WP can be used per mu, or 1 g of 75% sulfonate dry suspension, or 72% 2,4- Control of 50 ml of butyl emulsifiable concentrate; wheat field dominated by grasses such as buckwheat, can be controlled by 3-4 g of 70% fluzolsulfonate dispersible granule per acre.

When the wheat stubble and the gray planthopper occur seriously and reach the control index, it is necessary to timely carry out chemical control to prevent damage to the wheat seedling and spread the virus disease.

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