Children with diabetes, as long as the treatment is properly controlled stable disease will not affect development. Good control of diabetes, the child's growth and development should not be affected. In particular, the use of insulin pumps also allows children to have a more flexible lifestyle, such as injecting insulin at night or before snacking, or simply banning their children from eating snacks. The insulin pump can be added at a random and flexible release, increasing insulin concentration in the body, easily solve this problem, children can safely enjoy his snacks, and not only physical development is not affected, is psychologically, and will not feel and How different are other children. Children with type 1 diabetes will be perfectly able to marry and have children in the future and will be able to give birth to a healthy baby. Diabetes has genetic factors, type 1 diabetes relative to type 2 diabetes, genetic possibility but smaller. Whether type 1 diabetes can have children depends on the control of the disease, the key is to prevent the occurrence of complications. One diabetic without complications can get married and have a healthy child. Insulin pump to maximize the health of people like to live with diabetes, insulin pump release of insulin concentration is very close to normal human insulin secretion, the peak before meals with normal people is very consistent, so patients eat calories, nutrition Will be more, will not affect the normal development, and blood sugar control will be better, long-term no complications, until the childbearing age, as long as no complications, blood glucose control ideal, can give birth to a healthy baby.