16Mn steel pipe size and allowable deviation deviation level standard deviation tolerance D1 ±1.5%, minimum ±0.75 mm D2 ±1.0%. Minimum ±0.50 mm D3 ±0.75%. Minimum ±0.30 mm D4 ± 0.50%. Minimum ±0.10 mm The difference between GB8162 seamless steel pipe and GB8163 seamless steel pipe The difference between seamless steel pipe GB8162 and GB8163 GB8162 "Seamless steel pipe for structure". The difference between GB8162 seamless steel pipe and GB8163 seamless steel pipe The difference between GB8162 and GB8163 GB8162 "Structure "Seamless steel pipe", this standard applies to general structure, seamless steel pipe for mechanical structure, GB8163 "seamless steel pipe for transfer fluid" standard applies to the general seamless steel pipe conveying fluid. Its main difference with GB8162 is GB8163 steel pipe by one. Root hydraulic test or ultrasonic, eddy current, magnetic flux leakage inspection. Therefore, in the selection of pressure pipeline steel pipe standard, should not use GB8162 standard. 16mn steel pipe specifications 48*5 53*11 57*15 68*6 48*5.5 53*12 58*1.8 68*6.3 48*6 53*14 58*11 68*7 48*6.5 53*1.5 60*2 68*8 48*7 53*6 60*2.5 68*9 48*8 54*2 60*3 68*10 48*8.5 54*2.5 60*3.5 68*11 48*9 54*3 60*4 68*12 48*10 54*3.5 60*4.5 68*12.5 48*11 54*4 60*5 68*14 48*12 54*4.5 60*5 68*16 49*4 54*5 60*5.5 70*3.5 49*10 54*5.5 60*6 70*4 50*1.5 54*6 60*6.5 70*4 50*2 54*6.5 60*7 70*4.5 50*2.5 54*7 60*7.5 70*5 50*3 54*8 60*8 70*6 50*3.5 54*8.5 60*9 70*6.5 50*4 54*9 60*10 70*7 50*4.5 54*10 60*11 70*8 50*5 54*11 60*12 70*9 50*6 54*12 60*14 70*10 50*7 54*14 63.5*2 70*11 50*8 55*4.5 63.5*3 70*12 50*9 55*5.5 63.5*3.5 70*14 50*9 56*4 6 steel pipe 3.5*4 70*16 50*10 56*4.5 63.5*4.5 73*3 50*11 56*5 63.5*5 73*3.5 50*12 56*6 63.5*5.5 73*4 51*1.8 56*9 63.5*6 73*4.5 51*3 57*3 63.5*7 73*5 51*3.5 57*3.5 63.5*8 73*5.5 51*3.6 57*4 63.5*9 73*6 51*3.8 57*4.5 63.5*10 73*7 51*4 57*5 63.5*14 73*8 51*4.5 57*5.5 63.5*15 73*10 51*5 57*6 63.5*16 73*11 51*5.5 57*7 68*3 73*12 51*6 57*8 68*3.5 73*12.5 51*7 57*9 68*4 73*14 51*8 57*9.5 68*4 73*15 51*8.5 57*10 68*4.5 73*16 51*9 57*12 68*5 73*18 51*10 57*14 68*5.5 73*20 16mn steel pipe specifications specifications 76*3.5 83*11 95*12 108*14 76*4 83*12 95*12.5 108*15 76*4.5 83*12.5 95*14 108*16 76*5 83*13 95*15 108*18 76*5.5 83*14 95*16 108*20 76*6 83*15 95*18 108*22 76*6.5 83*16 95*20 108*25 76*7 83*18 95*22 108*28 76*8 83*20 95*25 108*30 76*9 83*22 102*4 114*4 76*10 83*25 102*4.5 114*4.5 76*11 89*4 102*5 114*5 76*12 89*4.5 102*5.5 114*5.5 76*12.5 89*5 102*6 114*6 76*14 89*5.5 102*7 114*6.5 76*15 89*6 102*8 114*7 76*16 89*6.5 102*9 114*8 76*18 89*7 102*10 114*9 76*18 89*7.5 102*11 114*10 76*20 89*8 102*12 114*11 80*3 89*8.5 102*12.5 114*12 80*4 89*9 102*14 114*12.5 80*4.5 89*10 102*15 114*13 80*5 89*11 102*16 114*14 80*6 89*12 102*18 114*15 80*7 89*12.5 102*20 114*16 80*7.5 89*13 102*22 114*18 80*8 89*14 102*25 114*20 80*8 89*15 102*28 114*22 80*10 89*16 102*30 114*25 80*12 89*18 108*4 114*28 80*14 89*20 108*4.5 114*30 80*16 89*22 108*5 121*4.5 80*18 89*25 108*5.5 121*5 80*20 95*4 108*6 121*5.5 83*4 95*4.5 108*6.5 121*6 83*4 95*5 108*7 121*7 83*4.5 95*5.5 108*7.5 121*8 83*5 95*6 108*8 121*9 83*6 95*7 108*9 121*10 83*7 95*8 108*10 121*11 83*8 95*9 108*11 121*12 83*9 95*10 108*12 121*12.5 83*10 95*11 108*12.5 121*14 16mn steel pipe specifications specifications 121*16 133*15 146*30 159*32 121*18 133*16 146*35 159*35 121*20 133*18 152*5 159*40 121*22 ​​133*20 152*6 159*45 121*25 133*22 152*7 168*6 121*28 133*25 152*8 168*6.5 121*30 133*28 152*10 168*7 127*4.5 133*30 152*11 168*8 127*5 140*4.5 152*12 168*9 127*5.5 140*5 152*12.5 168*10 127*6 140*5.5 152*13 168*11 127*7 140*6 152*14 168*12 127*7.5 140*6.5 152*16 168*14 127*8 140*7 152*18 168*16 127*9 140*8 152*20 168*18 127*10 140*10 152*22 168*20 127*11 140*11 152*25 168*22 127*12 140*12 152*28 168*25 127*12.5 140*12.5 152*30 168*28 127*14 140*14 152*32 168*30 127*16 140*16 152*35 168*32 127*18 140*18 152*36 168*35 127*20 140*20 152*40 168*38 127*22 140*22 159*4.5 168*40 127*25 140*25 159*5 168*45 127*28 140*28 159*5.5 180*6 127*30 140*30 159*6 180*7 127*32 140*32 159*6.5 180*8 127*35 140*35 159*7 180*10 133*4.5 146*5 159*8 180*12 133*5 146*6 159*9 180*14 133*5.5 146*8 159*10 180*16 133*6 146*10 159*11 180*18 133*6.5 146*11 159*12 180*20 133*7 146*12 159*12.5 180*22 133*7.5 146*12.5 159*13 180*25 133*8 146*14 159*14 180*28 133*9 146*15 159*16 180*30 133*10 146*16 159*18 180*32 133*11 146*18 159*20 180*35 133*12 146*20 159*22 180*40 133*12.5 146*22 159*25 180*45 133*13 146*25 159*28 194*6 133*14 146*28 159*30 194*7 16mn steel pipe specifications specifications 194*8 219*12 245*30 299*22 194*10 219*13 245*32 299*25 194*12 219*14 245*35 299*28 194*14 219*14 245*36 299*30 194*16 219*15 245*38 299*32 194*18 219*15 245*40 299*34 194*20 219*16 245*45 299*35 194*22 219*17 245*48 299*36 194*25 219*18 245*50 299*38 194*28 219*20 245*60 299*40 194*30 219*22 255*45 299*45 194*32 219*23 273*7 299*50 194*35 219*25 273*8 299*55 194*40 219*26 273*9 299*60 194*45 219*28 273*9.5 325*7 203*6 219*30 273*10 325*8 203*7 219*32 273*11 325*8.5 203*8 219*35 273*12 325*9 203*9 219*36 273*13 325*10 203*10 219*40 273*14 325*11 203*12 219*45 273*15 325*12 203*14 219*48 273*16 325*13 203*16 219*50 273*18 325*14 203*18 219*55 273*20 325*15 203*20 232*16 273*22 325*16 203*22 232*18 273*25 325*16 203*25 232*20 273*28 325*17 203*28 245*7 273*30 325*18 203*30 245*8 273*32 325*20 203*32 245*9 273*35 325*22 203*35 245*9 273*36 325*25 203*36 245*10 273*40 325*28 203*40 245*10 273*45 325*30 203*45 245*11 273*48 325*32 203*50 245*12 273*50 325*34 219*6 245*12 273*60 325*35 219*6.5 245*14 299*8 325*38 219*7 245*16 299*9 325*40 219*8 245*18 299*10 325*42 219*8.5 245*20 299*12 325*45 219*28 245*22 299*14 325*50 219*78 245*25 299*16 325*56 219*28 245*27 299*18 351*9 219*12 245*28 299*20 351*10 16Mn steel pipe 16Mn (Q345B) steel pipe is a low-alloy high-strength structural steel, carbon content of 0.1% -0.25%, adding the main alloying elements manganese, silicon, vanadium, niobium and titanium; its total alloy content <3%. It is divided into four levels of 300, 350, 400 and 450 MPa according to intensity. There are mainly Q295, Q345, Q390, Q420, Q460. :gangguanQ†is the Chinese pinyin capitalized initials of the guanguan yielded, followed by the minimum yield point (σs) value of that grade, and the following symbol is based on the content of the steel's impurity elements (sulphur and phosphorus). It is divided into A, B, C, D, etc. with low carbon content and manganese content. The chemical composition of the 16Mn steel pipe of A and B grade steel is generally called 16Mn16mn: C: 0.12~0.20; Mn: 1.20~1.60; Si: 0.20~0.55; Tensile strength: 470~660 N/mm; Yield Strength: 275 ~345 N/mm2; Elongation: 21%. The specific value should be based on the thickness or diameter of the steel. The above data corresponds to the thickness or diameter of the steel: 16~100mm 16Mn steel uses: The special steel used for the bridge is gangguan16Mnq, and the special steel for the automobile girder is gangguan16MnL. The special type of steel for the container is gangguan16MnRâ€. 16Mn steel pipe standard: GB/T8162-2008 (for structural use) GB/T8163-2008 (for conveying fluid) GB6479-2008 (seamless steel pipe for high-pressure fertilizer equipment) 16Mn steel pipe weight calculation formula: [(Outer Diameter - Wall Thickness) * Wall Thickness] * 0.02466 = kg/meter (weight per meter) This kind of steel is to improve the mechanical properties of steel by adjusting the amount of carbon (C), and therefore, according to the carbon content High and low, such steel can be divided into: Low-carbon steel - carbon content is generally less than 0.25%, such as 10,20 steel, etc.; Medium carbon steel - carbon content is generally between 0.25 to 0.60%, such as 35, 45 steel, etc. High-carbon steel - The carbon content is generally greater than 0.60%, and this type of steel is generally not used for steel pipes.