First, the pump 1, check the electrical circuit is loose, on-site and remote instruments, control valve is qualified. 2, check the angle bolts, pipelines and flanges are loose, the valve switch is flexible. 3, check the oil chamber oil level (mirror or oil cup), if necessary, refueling; to ensure that the motor has been added to the appropriate amount of lubricant (fat). 4, hand rotation coupling 2 to 3 laps, should feel relaxed and light weight uniform, and pay attention to identify the pump there is no friction noise and foreign objects such as rolling noise, if you should try to rule out, and the coupling shield Installed. 5, open the cooling water inlet and outlet valves, close the communication valve, observe the circulating cooling water pressure gauge on the pipeline. 6, open the pump suction pipe valve, the liquid filled pump, open the vent valve, turn the coupling, remove the gas pump; check the process pipeline valve should be in the open pump position. 7, close the outlet pipe valve, start the motor. 8, until the pump speed is stable, the ammeter to the specified location, pump pressure gauge indicates the rise, slowly open the outlet pipe valve, adjust the outlet flow according to process requirements. 9, a comprehensive inspection for any anomalies, such as the discovery of serious leakage, vibration, sharp sound, temperature rise is too high and so on, immediately stop the pump. Second, stop the pump: 1, off the pump outlet valve. 2, press the pump stop button, pay attention to the motor lazy go time. 3, close the inlet valve, disconnect with the process (if necessary).