US X-56A drone completes testing elastic wing to help reduce sound barrier

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on September 3, the highly anticipated "child of the Concorde" - the US X-56A drone is a step closer to reality. Its development and production is expected to lead the new trend of aircraft, symbolizing the arrival of a new generation of smooth supersonic aircraft.

The X-56A is a UAV known as the "Buckeye" and has recently been tested by NASA, which prepares the drone for subsequent installation of a flexible wing that can bend with airflow. The mission of the "Buckeye" drone is to test aeroservoelastic technology, the core technology for aircraft to resolve tremor problems during navigation.

This elongated shape of the wing is critical for future long-range aircraft, fuel-efficient passenger aircraft and cargo aircraft. Compared to currently fixed and shorter wings. This elongated elastic wing can be adjusted for tremor caused by airflow during flight to keep the flight smooth.

In order to improve the flight quality and safety factor of this drone, NASA is experimenting with the X-56A small remote control flight model. This small-sized aircraft is only 7.5 feet long, 28 feet in wings, weighs only 480 pounds, and is propelled by two 90-pound turbojet engines, the JetCat P400.

The X-56A drone was developed by Lockheed Martin's advanced development project and its flexible wings can be adjusted in the airflow. The most recent test was conducted on August 11th in California, USA, but the experiment still used a fixed inelastic wing.

NASA upgraded the aircraft's stable envelope to 130 nautical miles per hour that matched Lockheed Martin's first X-56A drone. Although the X-56A drone was still equipped with a conventional fixed inelastic wing in the experiment, a light elastic wing was soon installed for testing.

The X-56A drone is scheduled for six months of maintenance to prepare for the first flexible wing flight in 2016. Although the drone is still a subsonic short-haul experimental aircraft, its experiments can lay the foundation for a supersonic aircraft. Knowledge of tremor and dust removal will also be applied to the design of the supersonic X-54 drone. This type of aircraft will reduce the noise of supersonic flight, thus achieving a no-sound explosion, accelerating the realization of commercial supersonic flight.

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