Ice icing is a common name. According to legend, the ice flower is an ice-cold jade, beautiful and dignified country girl. She is kind and gentle, and is a good girl that everyone in the village likes. One year in the spring, the neck is long and the climate is cold. People have eaten up the food for the winter. The ice and snow are not changing. There are no green grass in the field. People are going to starve to death. Ice Linghua was in a hurry, and she prayed upwards: "Great God, let the wild vegetables grow in the fields. Save the children, save the old man, and save the whole village!" Her sincerity touched the gods.
One night, she dreamed of a white-bearded grandfather saying to her: "Can you walk barefoot in the mountains and fields in the snow?" "Can". Ice Linghua said firmly. "Well, you spread these seeds on the black land under the snow." After that, the grandfather handed a packet of seeds to the ice flower and disappeared. After I was awake, I saw a bag of seeds in my hand, so she ran fast and barefoot on the ice and snow. While running, she turned back and sprinkled the seeds on the black land in the nest that melted out of her body temperature. She sprinkled in front of her, and the small green shoots grew on the black soil in the blood-soaked feet, and then the yellow flowers came out from the crystal clear ice. The hungry people got the life-saving wild vegetables. In order not to forget the self-sufficiency of the ice flower, the yellow flower under the ice and snow was called "ice flower".
Whether it is called ice icing, ice flower, ice flower, ice flower, it is said that it is the earliest open herbal flower in the snow and ice, enjoying the reputation of "Linhai Snow Lotus". Say what the plum blossoms greet the snow, the cold and the fragrance, the iron bones, and I don’t know the plums - below -15 °C can freeze to death. It can't grow in the northern country of "Mountain Dance Silver Snake, the original wax statue", and can only bloom in the Yangtze River valley with red flowers and greens. It is not entirely appropriate to say that Lamei is happy in the sky. Some people say: "Planting flowers is self-cultivation; viewing flowers is to cultivate sentiment."
To appreciate flowers, we must appreciate the style, color, taste and season of flowers, and we must also appreciate the personality, the spirit of meaning and the power of enlightenment. The opening time of the side marigolds is the cold season when the snow and ice have not melted in the late winter and early spring, and it is still in the cold season when you want to try the roots. When there is no other plant sprouting, use its weak body. Drill through the ordinary frozen soil of the iron plate, a flower is proud to be alone. Its golden flowers blossomed like gold, breaking the silence that the winter has left for people, how valuable it is. It is said that the plum is the glory of "Yangchun Baixue", while the side marigold is the cloth of the "Linba people".
PP ( Uniaxial geogrids ) : Ultimate Tensile Strength 30kN/m to 300kN/m, PP geogrids (Uniaxial ) range : Flexurally stiff biaxial monolithic and integrally formed Geogrid constructed of PP- Polypropylene or HDPE – polyethylene by a unique punching and drawing process .
1. It reinforce old asphalt concrete road surface and asphalt layer, and prevents damage ;
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4. It is used in soft soil base reinforcement treatment , is favorable for soft soil water separation and concretion,restrains sedimentation effectivly,distributes stress uniformly and improve overall strength of road base;
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