Technology heart can "perfect pump blood"

French scientists developed the heart of science and technology to "perfect pump blood" Following the human heart after the first heart transplant, medical treatment of heart disease technology once again a major breakthrough. According to reports, French scientists combined animal fibers, titanium and missile technology to create the perfect artificial heart ever. The artificial heart is expected to undergo clinical trials in patients within 3 years, bringing hope to patients who can not undergo heart transplant. This advanced artificial heart utilizes several electronic sensors that would otherwise be used on missiles to control heartbeat and blood flow and is almost perfectly modeled on the human heartbeat mode to allow patients to pump blood just as well as normal people. Scientists clever use of special fibers to wrap it, to avoid rejection of the human immune system, in particular, to avoid the phenomenon of thrombus. The man-made heart is a group of Scientists from the French cardiology physician Carl Pantek and the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Corporation (EADS) maker of "Airbus." After 15 years of collaborative development, the result is finally achieved. Introducing the new technology to reporters on the 27th, Karpang Pang Jie said that they have conducted experiments on calves and sheep and succeeded in the hope of clinically testing patients with severe heart disease within two to three years. If successful, Looking forward to officially used for medical purposes in 2013. Although research institutes in the United States, Japan and South Korea are also devoted to the development of a new generation of artificial hearts, Carl Pantek states that they are one of the leaders because they have overcome the thromboembolism problem. Heart patients in the future can be re-normal life, or even running, of course, not to participate in marathon long-distance running. However, he said, they will need further research and refinements before formally conducting clinical trials, as well as technical issues such as the power supply of artificial hearts.

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