Trace elements play an irreplaceable role in the growth and development of peanuts (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.). Once a trace element is lacking, it will show the corresponding symptoms of deficiency through the external morphology of the plant. This is used as a basis for diagnosing deficiencies and taking remedial measures.
Iron fertilizer. Each ton of peanuts forms 1 ton of dry matter and needs to absorb 264 grams of iron. In the absence of iron, the plants are short, with few branches, late flowering, less flowering, less nodules, poor root development, and 1 to 3 leafy mesophyll parts below the heart leaf are obviously chlorotic, but the veins are still green. In severe cases, the veins are chlorotic and yellow, and the upper leaves are yellowish white. The leaves appear brown necrotic spots for a long time until the leaves die. Prevention and remedial measures: Foliar application of 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution in the flowering stage, pod-forming stage or new leaves of peanuts, usually sprayed every 5 to 6 days, continuous spraying 2~3 Times.
Boron fertilizer. For every ton of dry matter formed by peanuts, it is necessary to absorb 44 grams of boron. In the absence of boron, the plants are short, with many branches and clusters. The heart veins of the unfolded leaves are light in color, the rest are dark, light green, the leaves are small and shrinking, the leaves are yellow and gradually expand outward. Dry, leaf pillows have brown marks, so that the petiole can not stand, even drooping, the old leaves are gray, the plants are less flowering or even no flowers, the roots are easy to aging, the ability to expand is weak, the roots are few, the roots have black spots, easy to be necrotic, The nutrient dysplasia is easy to form a hollow fruit with shell and no kernel. Prevention and remedial measures: 50-100 grams of boric acid or borax per acre, mixed in a small amount of decomposed organic fertilizer, applied before flowering; or in peanut seedling stage, initial flowering stage and full bloom period, using 0.2% boric acid or borax solution leaves Spray on the surface.
Manganese fertilizer. For every ton of dry matter formed by peanuts, it is necessary to absorb 39 grams of manganese. In the absence of manganese, the interpulmonary portion of the leaves is yellowed, while the veins tend to remain green. Prevention and remedial measures: from 30 to 50 days after sowing of peanuts, 15 to 20 days before harvest, spray with 0.1% manganese sulfate solution every 10 to 14 days; if necessary, with peanut leaf spot control The bactericide is applied in combination.
Zinc fertilizer. Every 1 ton of dry matter formed by peanuts requires 9 grams of zinc to be absorbed. In the absence of zinc, the leaves are stripped chlorotic, the strips are usually on the leaves closest to the petiole, and in severe cases, the entire leaflet is chlorotic. Precautions and remedies: Foliar application of 1% to 2% zinc sulphate solution during the peanut flowering period.
Molybdenum fertilizer. For each ton of dry matter formed by peanuts, it is necessary to absorb 1.32 grams of molybdenum. In the absence of molybdenum, due to the inhibition of nitrogen fixation by rhizobium, it usually shows typical symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. According to foreign studies, even in the absence of molybdenum, peanuts can continue to flower, but growth is inhibited. Precautions and remedial measures: Foliar application of 0.1% to 0.2% ammonium molybdate solution in peanut seedling and flowering stages.
Source: Shandong Science and Technology News Author: Wang Fengying
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