Application of Reverse Engineering in Product Design

1 reverse engineering content and scope of application <br> <br> With the development of computer technology, CAD technology has become an important tool for product designers to research and development, of which three-dimensional modeling technology has been widely used in manufacturing products and Mold design, program review, automated manufacturing, management and maintenance. In the actual development and manufacturing process, the technical data received by the designer may be a three-dimensional model of various data types, but in many cases, the physical model of the product is obtained from the upstream manufacturer. Designers need to convert these physical information into CAD models through certain channels, which is applied to Reverse Engineering. The so-called reverse engineering technology refers to the measurement of physical objects or models by certain measurement methods. The process of reconstructing a physical CAD model by means of a three-dimensional geometric modeling method.

Reverse engineering technology is very different from traditional forward design. Reverse engineering, on the other hand, starts with a prototype and acquires a three-dimensional digital model of the product, enabling further processing with advanced technologies such as CAD/ACE/CAM and CIMS.

In general, product reverse engineering includes several aspects such as shape reversal, process reversal and material reversal. In practical applications in the industrial field, it mainly includes the following contents:

(1) The design of new parts is mainly used for product modification or profiling.

(2) Copying of existing parts and reproducing the original design intent of the original product.

(3) Reduction of damaged or worn parts.

(4) Detection of digital models, such as testing deformation analysis of products, welding quality, etc., and comparing models.

Reverse engineering technology provides excellent technical support for rapid design and manufacturing, and it has become one of the important and simple ways of information transmission in manufacturing.

The traditional product design is generally in the market research, after the development of the demand table, the concept of the flat schematic is first developed, after a slightly complete plan is formed, the three-dimensional sketch is drawn, and the rendering is completed according to the needs. View or make a simple model. In the process of designing, engineers and technicians, product stylists and workers need to work together to express the designer's ideas with sample physical models. However, it takes a lot of labor to make physical samples for each type of solution. There are problems such as low precision, difficulty in modification and adjustment, long design cycle and high cost.

2 CAD technology applied to product design

The development of computer technology has brought about the third wave of technological revolution. Computer aided design (CAD) technology is the most active computer in the industrial field. It integrates numerical calculation, simulation, geometric model processing, graphics, database management system and other aspects of the technology, the abstract, flat, separate design objects are embodied and visualized, it can pass the "virtual reality" technology The product shape, material, color, and even the processing process are fully expressed, and the product design process can be systematically and standardized through data management. This is the basis for the inevitable combination of industrial design and CAD technology.

Software Conditions for Reverse Engineering Implementation Commonly used general reverse engineering software is Surfacer, Delcam. Cimatron and Strim. The reverse engineering systems for specific applications are as follows: reverse engineering systems for mechanical part identification developed by Evans; reverse engineering systems for replicating old parts developed by Dvorak: HHDanzde CNC CMM system. These systems deal with practical problems in reverse design, greatly facilitating designers. In addition, some large CAD software has gradually provided design modules for reverse engineering. For example, Pro/E's ICEM Surf and Pro/SCANTOOLS modules can accept ordered points (measurement lines) as well as point cloud data. Others like UG software, as the version increases, the reverse engineering module is gradually enriched. The development of these software provides software conditions for the implementation of reverse engineering. These softwares, relative to some of the high-end design software, already have the design and rendering capabilities of the complex shapes of the products, but it is still not an easy task for art designers to master and use such software. Therefore, the designers who are engaged in structural design are mostly mechanical engineers. The thinking and methods of design are completely different from the stylists. Their thinking is a design thinking method that fully meets the mechanical design standards.

Then, how the two designs will be combined in the design of the product, and get a better combination, and better to complete the conversion from design to processing procedures become the problem we have to consider in product design.

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