Add "additives" to farmyard manure

The nutrient content of farmyard manure is low, and the fertilizer efficiency is slow. If a little “additive” is added to the farmer's fertilizer, it can not only prevent the loss of the active ingredients of the farmyard manure, but also increase the fertilizer efficiency of the farmer.
Adding ferrous sulfate to human urine in the urine of 500-600 grams per 100 kg of human urine, can convert human urine ammonium carbonate into stable ammonium sulfate, which can protect fertilizer and deodorize and prevent nitrogen volatilization. effect.
Add calcium superphosphate to the ash, add 3 kg of grass ash to 15 kg of water, then add 1 kg of calcium phosphate, stir evenly. Add 6 kg of water and mix evenly after 6 hours. After standing and sedimenting, take the liquid spray to obtain Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is similar in fertilizer efficiency.
Adding ammonium bicarbonate to the composting manure The plant stems and leaves are cut into pieces, 0.5-1% ammonium bicarbonate and a proper amount of human excrement are added, and then covered with mud to seal. After decomposing, it becomes a highly efficient organic fertilizer.
Adding superphosphate to manure fertilizer Add 20% superphosphate to the manure and stir evenly. After 20 days of storage, it can not only prevent the loss of nitrogen nutrients in the manure, but also accelerate the decomposing process of manure and increase the effective phosphorus content.
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