Google has successfully applied for a new patent, a "computer system" that helps with cloud technology, allowing users to assign tasks to multiple robots simultaneously. Many people speculate that Google is building a robotic corps.
Google has successfully applied for a new patent, a "computer system" that helps with cloud technology, allowing users to assign tasks to multiple robots simultaneously. Many people speculate that Google is building a robotic corps.
Google has registered the patent at the US Patent and Trademark Office, where they describe how "computer components" (such as PCs or smartphones) communicate with robots over the network and assign tasks and receive information. The patent does not specifically indicate how many robots the user can control at the same time, but said that they can be assigned different tasks according to the capabilities of the robot.
For example, Google said that the system can determine the robot's ability to perform tasks based on the "health level" of the robot, such as the time remaining before the robot needs maintenance, and assign tasks accordingly. If there are 2 robots that require 2 tasks, one of which requires more precision, then a robot with a higher "health level" will be assigned to perform a task with higher accuracy, while another robot will go Perform tasks with lower accuracy requirements.
The ability to assign tasks to multiple robots at the same time has great potential applications, such as commanding a team of robotic vacuum cleaners to clean up hotel suites, helping unmanned teams to indicate paths, etc., or continuing to direct robots to do housework and dinner when the owner is out. On the other hand, the system can also be used to assign tasks to humanoid robots and animal robots, such as those developed by Google's Boston Dynamics.
Technical experts predict that people will eventually be able to use Google's Android operating system to command a team of robots to perform tasks anywhere in the world. Google said in its patent documents that they want to be able to connect large numbers of robots and allow users to remotely control them over a network. In theory, Google can use this technology to provide services that make life easier.
However, this technology may be used for military purposes to create the so-called "robot army." Many skeptics believe that the scenes in "Mechanical Enemy" starring Will Smith will repeat itself. The robots that were designed to serve humans eventually took over the world.
Last month, Google also acquired a system patent based on cloud technology, which will download the personality to the robot. This personality can be selected either by the user or automatically by the robot based on the personal information they store on the mobile device. The robot's personality can even be transmitted to other robots, or a robot can store multiple personalities to interact with different people, just as each family member has a different account on the home computer.
According to the patent's documentation, "The personality of the robot can also be modified within the basic personality structure (ie, the default character) to present a variety of transient emotional changes, such as happiness, fear, surprise, and confusion. Emotions can be triggered again by hints or instructions."
Google said that some patent ideas can be converted into real products or services in the future, but some may not. Currently, Google has not yet planned to convert these two patents into products. In March, Google announced a partnership with Johnson Healthcare, a US healthcare giant, to jointly develop new robotics technology that can perform keyhole surgery. Many tech tycoons, including Stephen Hawking and Tesla electric car founder Elon Musk, have warned that robots will end humanity. Musk said at the beginning of this year that the rise of artificial intelligence is the biggest threat to human survival, and those who are developing these machines
The company of people is "calling the devil." But Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that these uneasiness predictions with robots are misleading.
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