Gate valve (gate valve) is the gate opening and closing pieces, the direction of movement of the gate and fluid perpendicular to the gate valve can only be fully open and fully closed, can not be adjusted and throttling. The gate has two sealing surfaces. The two sealing surfaces of the most commonly used gate valves form a wedge. The wedge angle varies with the valve parameters, typically 50 and 425 ° C for medium temperatures. Wedge gate valve gate can be made as a whole, called the rigid gate; can also be made to produce a small amount of deformation of the gate, to improve its technology to make up for sealing surface angle in the process of deviation, this gate The board is called a flexible gate. Gate valve has the following advantages: 1, the flow resistance is small. The valve body inside the media channel is straight through, the medium into a straight line flow, flow resistance. 2, more effort when opening and closing. Is compared with the shut-off valve, because either open or closed, gate direction of motion perpendicular to the media flow direction. 3, height, opening and closing time long. Gate opening and closing stroke larger, drop is carried out by the screw. 4, water hammer phenomenon is not easy to produce. The reason is a long time off. 5, the medium can flow in any direction on both sides, easy to install. Gate valve on both sides of the channel is symmetrical. 6, the length of the structure (the distance between the shell connecting the two end faces) smaller. 7, sealing surface easy to wear, affecting the service life. When opening and closing, the two sealing surfaces of the gate and the valve seat frictionally slide with each other, which easily causes abrasion and abrasion under the action of medium pressure, affects the sealing performance and shortens the service life. 8, the price is more expensive. More contact sealing surface, processing more complex, especially the sealing surface of the gate seat is not easy to process, but more parts. 9, Simple body, short structure length, good manufacturability and wide range of application. 10, compact structure, good valve rigidity, smooth passage, small flow resistance, sealing surface with stainless steel and hard alloy, long service life, PTFE packing, reliable sealing, light and flexible operation.