The furniture market confuses the concept of solid wood furniture

Recently, it is the peak season for discount sales in major furniture markets. Due to environmental protection and health, solid wood furniture has always been favored by consumers. Some distributors have used this to create "partial solid wood", "modern solid wood" and "plate solid wood" The concept of selling solid wood furniture is not "real". Jiang Hongyuan, chairman of the Zhejiang Furniture Association, believes that since the implementation of the "General Technical Conditions for Wooden Furniture" in May 2009, solid wood furniture has been strictly divided into three categories: full solid wood furniture, solid wood furniture and solid wood veneer furniture, and It has been accurately defined. When purchasing, in addition to carefully observing the product, the key is to check the product description provided by the merchant.

It is not difficult to identify solid wood furniture and comprehensive wood furniture

Solid wood furniture concept

On the second floor of the Oriental Furniture Market, a counter salesperson who specializes in selling wooden furniture said that they are professional producers of solid wood furniture. The wood comes from Quzhou, Zhejiang Province. When the reporter asked whether a wooden table was all solid wood furniture , The salesperson confidently stated that according to national standards, a piece of furniture can be called solid wood furniture as long as it has 20% solid wood content. Their table top is a patch of wood fiber board, all four legs are full Solid wood, the proportion of solid wood is at least 50%, is called "modern solid wood" furniture.

Another clerk at the wooden furniture counter said that at present, there is no 100% solid wood furniture in China. Their product frames are made of solid wood, that is, the main force parts are made of solid wood, and the auxiliary materials are solid wood sandwich panels and solid wood sandwich cores. The board is also solid wood. According to the current market, 60% -70% of the solid wood composition can be regarded as solid wood.

On the second floor of the boutique area in the East China Furniture Market, a counter staff introduced that their cabinets are solid wood furniture combined with wood and wood. The supporting points are ash, and the middle plate is beech wood solid wood. Made of hydraulic pressure, so called "solid wood particles" furniture.

However, when the reporter asked to buy these "solid wood furniture" and marked "all solid wood furniture" on the invoice, they all said they could not meet this requirement.

The country has defined wood furniture strictly

Jiang Hongyuan, president of the Zhejiang Furniture Association, said that in fact, the concept of solid wood furniture has not been very clear. Until the new version of the "General Technical Conditions for Wooden Furniture" standard was officially implemented on May 1, 2009, the country strictly clarified what is easily confused. "Solid wood furniture" and "integrated wood furniture" concepts. As to whether the solid wood content mentioned by some furniture sales staff is 20%, 60% or other proportions, whether it can be called solid wood furniture is not mentioned at all in the standard. "You think about it. A lot of furniture is made of plastic, leather and metal. Only about 20% of the wood component is used. How can it be called solid wood furniture."

According to the provisions of the new "General Technical Conditions for Wood Furniture", solid wood furniture is divided into solid wood furniture, solid wood furniture and solid wood veneer furniture according to the proportion of solid wood materials and technology. All solid wood furniture refers to all wooden parts (except mirror pallets and beading) are made of solid wood sawn wood or solid wood board; solid wood furniture, that is, furniture made of solid wood sawn wood or solid wood board with no surface treatment; solid wood stickers Surface furniture, that is, furniture whose base material is made of solid wood sawn wood or solid wood plate, and solid wood veneer or veneer (wood veneer) is covered on the surface.

Jiang Hongyuan said that the "board-wood combined furniture" proposed by the dealer is not a kind of "solid wood furniture", but "integrated wood furniture" specified in the new version of the standard. Many sellers also use the provisions in the concept to call this kind of comprehensive furniture solid wood furniture during the marketing process. However, even if they claim that solid wood can account for 60% and 70%, they cannot be called. Solid wood furniture: "According to the base material, the national standard divides the wood-based furniture into fiberboard furniture, chipboard furniture, blockboard furniture, and multilayer plywood furniture. If the base material is made of a mixture of solid wood, wood-based panels and other materials Furniture can only be called comprehensive wood furniture. "

Comprehensive wood furniture ≠ not environmentally friendly

Lin Feng, a veteran of sales of solid wood furniture for a brand, said that the current solid wood furniture market concept is indeed confusing. Like a Hangzhou private furniture market, although the market layout has been divided, the fourth floor is called "solid wood furniture area", but There are still many businesses on other floors claiming that they are selling solid wood furniture. In fact, even in the solid wood furniture area on the fourth floor, some merchants sell products that are not real solid wood.

Lin Feng explained that there is indeed a common saying in the industry. For example, it is generally believed that 70% of wood should belong to solid wood furniture. The auxiliary materials such as drawer floors and back plates can be replaced with other plates. "For consumers, they basically accept the argument that, for example, 70% of the furniture they buy is solid wood, then consumers will psychologically feel that they are buying solid wood furniture."

The reason why solid wood furniture is favored by consumers is mainly because of its environmental protection and health performance. However, many consumers have some misunderstandings in the concept of environmental protection: that is, comprehensive wood furniture is definitely not environmentally friendly. Industry insiders said that whether furniture is environmentally friendly should be in terms of furniture materials and paint. If the formaldehyde content exceeds the standard, then the furniture is definitely not environmentally friendly. At present, China has uniform standards for the materials used to manufacture furniture. As long as these materials meet national standards, whether it is solid wood furniture or comprehensive wood furniture, it can be called environmentally friendly furniture.

How to differentiate?

Jiang Hongyuan said that the sales personnel ’s oral commitments are not necessarily credible. According to the provisions of Part VI of the mandatory standards of the national GB5296.6-2004.10 “Consumer Instructions”, the seller must provide materials such as product specifications and instructions The composition of the product, this material can be the product description, it can also be the product's label, or directly indicated on the contract. Generally speaking, when consumers choose solid wood furniture, it is best to request these materials from the merchants in order to accurately understand the composition of this furniture. Imported materials can require inspection of customs tariffs.

Look, knock and smell a few to recognize the solid wood furniture

1. Look at the surface texture and scars

All solid wood furniture has a natural color difference, and there are certain differences in color and texture. The appearance of solid wood veneer furniture has few defects, and its texture is clear or even better than all solid wood furniture. Consumers can use the texture and scars of the solid wood to look at the corresponding positions on the exterior and back, respectively. If they correspond well, they are pure solid wood cabinet doors. In addition, looking at the scar knot is also a good way to identify pure solid wood: look at the location of one side of the scar, and then look for the corresponding texture on the other side.

2. See the location of the nail holes during installation

Some frames use solid wood, sideboards, partitions and other furniture that use thin wood veneer chipboard or MDF. The center position of the board is actually plywood or various waste wood. This type of furniture is difficult to identify by looking at the samples, but when installing after entering the field, it can be seen by the position of the nail hole. If the particle board has wood chips, the density board is pulpy. Consumers can use this feature to identify .

3. Use hand feeling and smell identification

Consumers can tap the wood surface a few times with their hands, the solid wood material will make a crisper sound, and the artificial board will be deeper. In addition, the solid wood skin feels very textured, while the general artificial paper skin feels dry.

The most common but very effective method is to smell the smell of furniture up close. Most solid woods have the aroma of tree species, pine wood has pine resin smell, cypress wood has light fragrance, camphor wood has obvious camphor wood smell, but fiberboard and density board will have a strong pungent smell, especially in cabinet doors or drawers Inside, it smells easier to distinguish.

For more furniture information , go to

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