Jinquan: Online sales cannot damage the interests of dealers

Furniture companies are expanding the market and selling products to consumers. For many years, they have relied on furniture exhibitions, agency openings, stores and other methods. However, the cost of participating in the exhibition is expensive, and various preferential and support policies for opening a store need funds to back it up. Entering the store is all kinds of expenses, which makes the company deeply stressed. Furniture companies are forced by various factors and hope to seek new business models. With the improvement of the Internet, entrepreneurs are optimistic about online sales. To this end, a reporter from Huxun.com interviewed Jinquan Furniture (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. to discuss with Liu Jinquan, chairman of the company, about online sales.

Plan to go online

After Quanyou's online dating, it achieved good online sales, and many furniture companies are eager to move, hoping to move their products to the Internet for sale. Jin Quan hopes to innovate through the online business model and seek new channels. Fan Dong said: "The network sales space is very large. We are now considering online sales. It is more difficult to establish online sales. Whoever puts in place will have a return. "
At present, there are as many as 400 million Internet users in China. These Internet users are mainly concentrated in the age range of 20 to 45. Most Internet users aged 25 to 40 are those who want to buy a family or have a certain economic basis and need to buy a house. they soak time online each day up to 8, 9 hours. Usually these netizens like to shop online, clothing, electronic products, books, electrical appliances, etc. are all products they buy online. Similarly, these young people who like to be at the forefront of the times, online shopping for furniture is also on the rise. Quanyou 13,000 sets of furniture products are sold online, and 80% of the companies that sell furniture online are profitable. This is the best proof.

Solve the problem of selling furniture online

Furniture is not like electronic products, clothing, books and other products. The products can be used when they are delivered. Furniture transportation and installation are more troublesome. Fan Dong communicated with the reporter of Huxun.com: " First of all, the team of online sales must be established, from transportation to installation, after-sales tracking, and services must be perfect. The products sold online must satisfy the customers. Do n’t do it blindly. It must be successful, and it cannot be done with the mentality of trying. Every customer is well-served, and the more successful it will be. "
Selling furniture online is a new business model established by furniture companies. At present, the circulation of furniture companies is controlled by the selling places. Fan Dong put forward his opinion: "The sale of furniture online requires furniture companies to cooperate with other freight companies to establish simple distribution channels to solve the problem of furniture transportation. The installation of these furniture sold on the network should be relatively simple, without cumbersome procedures, and facilitate delivery. Staff or customers install it themselves.
Stagger with the interests of dealers

Furniture companies move furniture products to online sales and seek sales growth. The starting point is good. However, this has to take into account the market of distributors, and the relationship between agency sales and online sales should be handled with care.
Although Jinquan has not taken online sales yet, Fan Dong attaches great importance to the interests of distributors: " Furniture products sold online must be different from those distributed by distributors. It is necessary to develop several online sales products in a targeted manner. , and store different products. enterprises Internet sales of furniture, not harm the interests of dealers. after all, the interests of dealers is directly related to sales of businesses, the interests of dealers affected the stable development of enterprises, can not cart before the horse. "

For more furniture information , go to http://news.gojiaju.com/

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