China's tool market structure is unbalanced and efficient tool gap is large

At present, China's tool structure is unbalanced, showing that the production of tools and demand is not right. For example, users need a large gap in cemented carbide tools, but high-speed steel tools are over-produced; modern manufacturing urgently needs high-efficiency tool gaps, but low-grade standard tools are over-produced.

In developed countries, cemented carbide tools have now dominated the tool, accounting for 70%. High-speed steel tools are shrinking at a rate of 1% to 2% per year, and the current proportion has fallen below 30%. Ultra-hard tools such as diamond and cubic boron nitride have a specific gravity of about 3%.

China's current annual tool sales of 14.5 billion yuan, its proportion of cemented carbide tools is less than 25%, not only far from the international market tool product structure, but also can not meet the growing demand for cemented carbide tools in the domestic manufacturing industry. Domestic manufacturing consumer tools, cemented carbide tools have reached more than 50%, the supply and demand structure disconnection problem has been very serious, the consequences of a large number of excess high-speed steel tools for low-cost exports or domestic sales, while efficient carbide tools have to rely on a large number import.

China's current annual output of high-speed steel is about 80,000 tons, accounting for about 40% of the world's total output, and consumes a lot of precious resources such as tungsten and molybdenum. This blind expansion of low levels of repetition has resulted in a large surplus of high-speed steel tools and has to be sold at low prices, resulting in a low profitability of a large number of tool manufacturers.

China's current annual output of cemented carbide is 16,000 tons, which also accounts for about 40% of the global total. However, the highest value-added cutting inserts for cemented carbide products are only 3,000 tons, accounting for only 20%. This situation, on the one hand, has caused insufficient supply of cemented carbide tools in the country, and on the other hand, the precious cemented carbide resources have not been fully utilized.

In terms of economic benefits, China's annual sales revenue of cemented carbide is about 560 million US dollars; Japan only produces 40% of China's output, but its sales revenue is as high as 2.633 billion US dollars, and its blade (tool) proportion is as high as 72%, making resources fully utilized. The company has also achieved good results. China's tool industry should get some useful enlightenment.

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