What is arbitrage and evasion?

The arbitrage refers to the payment by the domestic unit or individual of the use of the renminbi in foreign-related economic operations to pay various amounts of money that should be paid in foreign exchange; the evasion of foreign exchange refers to the transfer of foreign exchange that should be paid for or turned over to the country in violation of the provisions of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Act. Sale or retention of foreign behavior.

According to the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Execution of the Foreign Exchange Administrative Punishment," the following acts are arbitrage.

1. Except when approved by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and its branch offices (hereinafter referred to as the import and export authorities), or if otherwise stipulated by the State, it shall pay in renminbi the import goods or other payments that should be paid in foreign exchange;

2. Domestic institutions use RMB as an overseas institution, foreign institutions in China, overseas Chinese enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, and short-term entry individuals to pay their domestic expenses, which are paid to the foreign exchange by the other party and are not sold to the country. of;

3. Foreign institutions use their renminbi in China to pay for other people's expenses, which are paid by the other party to foreign exchange;

4. Foreign institutions in China, overseas Chinese enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures and their personnel shall pay RMB for others and be repaid by others in foreign exchange or other similar forms;

5. Without the approval of the management authority, delegations, working groups and their personnel dispatched to foreign countries or regions such as Hong Kong, Macao and other regions will use the proceeds from going abroad or engage in various business activities to purchase goods or use them for other purposes and repay them in Renminbi;

6. Domestic institutions use foreign exchange for export income or other income to offset the expenses of imported goods or other expenses.

The following actions all belong to evasion:

1. Without the approval of the management authority, the foreign exchange that the domestic agency will save, use, and deposit overseas;

2. In violation of the “Detailed Rules for the Administration of the Foreign Exchange of Overseas Chinese-funded Enterprises, Foreign-funded Enterprises, and Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures”, the foreign exchange of income shall be deposited overseas;

3. Domestic institutions, overseas Chinese enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures underreport foreign exchange income by means of low-reported export prices, commissions, etc., or overstate receipts and payments by overstating imported goods prices, fees, commissions, etc. Keep secret foreign exchange secretly or deposit overseas;

4. Chinese investors stationed in foreign institutions and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures set up abroad do not use the profits that should be transferred back to local operations or use them for other purposes;

5. Except as approved by the management office, the delegations, working groups and their personnel dispatched to foreign countries or Hong Kong, Macao and other regions do not use foreign exchange according to each special plan. They will deposit foreign funds from overseas funds or engage in various business activities and deposit them overseas or transfer them to him. use.