There are many reasons for laying eggs in laying hens, such as food insufficiency, improper temperature in the house, clustering of physiological diseases or genetic diseases. Here are a few ways to properly feed the feed and solve the problem of thin shell eggs.
First, the addition of calcium material
Because laying hens need a lot of calcium to form eggshells, it is difficult to tell whether the calcium content in daily feed is sufficient, and the absorption of calcium is only in the feed of 50 grams to 70 grams of feed per chicken per day. The amount of calcium contained in Russia is 60%. Therefore, it is not enough to rely solely on calcium in the feed. It is necessary to add 3% to 4% of shell powder to the chicken compound feed to supplement the deficiency of calcium.
Second, the addition of phosphorus
Phosphorus plays an important role in the formation of bones, eggshells and somatic cells of chickens, as well as the utilization of carbohydrates, fats and calcium. Chickens also absorb enough phosphorus to form egg yolks. Therefore, phosphorus on the eggshells of eggs and the whole The nutritional quality of eggs is crucial. Phosphorus eaten by chicken in feed should account for more than 0.5% of the whole nutrient composition. Add 1%~2% of bone powder or calcium phosphate to supplement calcium and phosphorus deficiency.
Third, the appropriate ratio of calcium to phosphorus
Improper ratio of calcium to phosphorus, whether it is less calcium or less phosphorus or less phosphorus and more calcium, will have adverse effects on chicken health, growth and egg production and eggshell quality. Generally, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the diet should be 6-8:1. If the ratio is not the same, it will lead to the production of thin shells or soft shell eggs. Since the calcification of the egg shell mainly occurs in the first night, the evening feeding time should be appropriately extended. Therefore, feeding the chickens with shell granules or bone powder every evening can improve the quality of the eggshell.
Fourth, vitamin supplement
In the absence of vitamin D, even if the calcium and phosphorus in the diet are sufficient, it will cause obstacles to calcium and phosphorus absorption and metabolism, resulting in small eggs, deformed, thin shells and soft shells, decreased egg production and hatching rate. Therefore, vitamin D is a very important substance in the body of the flock. The most cost-effective way to obtain vitamin D is to let the chickens get more sun, so that the 7-deoxycholesterol contained in the skin and feathers is converted into vitamin D3 after being irradiated by ultraviolet rays. Absorbed and utilized. Vitamin D3 is generally added to the diet during production. Cod liver oil is used as a supplement for vitamin D in the diet and a vitamin D deficiency treatment drug, and satisfactory results can be obtained.
Fifth, keep the feed fresh
If the feed is mildewed due to poor storage, feeding the chicken will cause the liver and kidney of the chicken to be invaded by aflatoxin, thereby destroying the metabolism of vitamin D in the chicken body, resulting in weight loss of the chicken, lower feed compensation, and disease resistance. The difference in force, the amount of egg production is reduced, and the eggshell becomes soft. Therefore, keep the feed properly to prevent moisture and mildew.
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