Lutz-Jesco recently developed MIDIDOSE, a new leak-free diaphragm metering pump that follows the proven metering pump principle of previous mechanical meters. MIDIDOSE is a unique metering pump, especially suitable for measuring whether the medium is toxic and aggressive. As long as the surrounding ambient temperature is not less than 45 degrees, it can be used for any material monitoring. The top and flap of the product are also available in different materials, including PVC, PP, PVDF, flawless steel and more. And the product's unique integrated double ball valve provides high measurement accuracy, even in the smallest measurement volume. MIDIDOSE also has many other advantages, such as: low noise, diaphragmless diaphragm measurement, and does not require time-consuming maintenance. Production company said: The new product can be well adapted to 4 different types. Including: dosage from 24 to 114l / h; pressure between 2 to 10bar and so on. Moreover, this leak-free metering pump speed can be freely adjusted between 0 to 100%.