Formulation design of PVC cable material and introduction of specific gravity measurement method

In the design of PVC pellets, light calcium carbonate is generally used as a filler. The proportion of filler determines the specific gravity of PVC, and of course determines the price of finished pellets.

Under the premise that other conditions are unchanged (mainly plasticizer), for each of the finished pellets (specific gravity of 1.50 or less), for every 10% of calcium carbonate added, the specific gravity increases by 0.04, and the specific gravity of 1.50 or more is The proportion increases by 0.02.

Of course, if the proportion of plasticizer is higher under the same filling conditions, the better the softness of the material and the lower the specific gravity.

In other words, under the same hardness condition, the higher the specific gravity, the cheaper the price. vice versa.

Method for measuring the specific gravity of PVC cable materials:

Step 1. Measure the weight of the empty beaker using an analytical balance; (a)

Step 2. Use an analytical balance to measure the weight of the empty beaker and the appropriate amount of cable material; (B)

Step 3. Use an analytical balance to measure the weight of the empty beaker, the appropriate amount of cable material and the full amount of alcohol; (C)

Step 4. Measure the weight of the beaker filled with alcohol using an analytical balance. (D)

The formula is as follows: cable specific gravity = B-a / (B-a) - (C-D) * 0.7988

Stop Valves

Stop Valves are closed by screwing a rubber gasket down onto a seat in the middle of the valve. Pros only use small versions that act as shutoff valves for fixtures such as sinks and toilets and outdoor sillcocks. Flow is inefficient because of the circuitous route the fluid (water, in most cases) has to follow. It's important to orient the valve in the right direction with the arrow (cast into the side of the valve) aligned with flow direction. That way, water flows against the bottom of the rubber gasket. If the valve is put in backward, the flow will force the gasket away from the top of the valve.

Stop Valves, Shower Stop Valve, Water Stop Valves, Brass Stop Valve