New Progress in Simulation Research on Lithium Lead Corrosion of Liquid Metal

Recently, the Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei Institute of Material Science has made new progress in the research of liquid metal lithium lead corrosion of structural steel. The research revealed the correlation between structural steel corrosion and crystal orientation. The relevant results were published in the International Journal of Nuclear Materials of Nuclear Materials.

The liquid metal cladding is one of the major international research projects on the fusion reactor cladding design. The design of fusion reactor cladding usually uses low-activated steel as the structural material, and the liquid metal lithium-lead alloy has the advantages of high working temperature, good thermal conductivity and high tritium proliferation ratio. The resistance of liquid lithium lead corrosion to structural materials such as low-activated steel is one of the key issues in the development of liquid metal cladding.

In response to this problem, the researchers carried out a simulation study on the corrosion of low-activated steel in the liquid metal lithium lead, and based on first-principles calculations revealed the correlation between corrosion and crystal orientation. At the contact surface of liquid lithium lead and low-activated steel, the liquid metal element arranged is preferably lead. Although the liquid metal elements occupy different adsorption sites on the (110), (001), and (111) surfaces, their coverage density at the contact surface is almost the same. In addition, calculations show that the corrosion of low-activated steel along the crystal direction is more likely to occur than other crystal directions. The above research provides an important reference for the design of low-activated steel corrosion resistance.

The research was supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Energy Development Research Project and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Structural steel / liquid metal lithium-lead interface structure (left) and the barriers to the migration of iron atoms from each crystal to the interface (right)

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