Introduction to ASTM ligament tissue fatigue test

Tissues such as ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage, blood vessels, brain, esophagus, skin, pericardium, myocardial and bioengineered alternative tissues have a bearing role, and strength and hardness tests are required.
Soft tissue testing is a modern field of biological research that focuses on the tissues that connect tissues and supporting structures. Continuous improvement has spurred highly specialized mechanical testing requirements to ensure that a wider range of biological specimens can withstand the stress and changing characteristics of the human body.

Tissues such as ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage, blood vessels, brain, esophagus, skin, pericardium, myocardial and bioengineered alternative tissues have a bearing role, and strength and hardness tests are required.

Although they do not need to withstand mechanical loads, the mechanical properties of some soft tissues such as the brain, liver, kidneys, and prostate are the most recent research topics in biomechanics. The interest in these soft tissue biomechanics has been further spurred by the development of computer integration and robot-assisted surgery (especially the emergence of automated surgical tools and advances in virtual reality technology).

Soft tissue testing equipment is highlighted in several aspects. The test equipment needs to consider the configuration of environmental conditions, the mechanical load of the specimen, the elastic properties of the specimen, and the choice of fixture.

Driven by the advancement of medical needs, researchers and developers are looking for higher quality, tissue engineered test machines to provide the most accurate results, sometimes in the micron range. With advanced experience in tissue testing, our application engineers can help develop the best test plans and test equipment for soft tissue samples.

ASTM F2458 Wound Strength Tissue Adhesive Sealant Test: ASTM F-2458 is a measure of tissue adhesive strength, and the application of tissue adhesives in biomedical applications is becoming more common, primarily for use in surgical procedures to replace or accompany Stitch or nail. ASTM F-2458 is a standardized test method used to determine the strength of a wound suture tissue adhesive or sealant. The mechanical properties of the anchor are very important in evaluating the product and controlling the quality of the procedure.

ASTM F2258 Tissue Adhesive Tensile Strength Test: Introduction to ASTM ligament tissue fatigue test Editor: (Hardware Business Network Information Center) Introduction to ASTM ligament tissue fatigue test

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