Pay attention to these points when choosing tiles

In the selection of floor tiles, according to personal preferences and the functional requirements of the room, according to the field layout, from the floor tile specifications, color, texture and other aspects of screening.

Good quality tiles are uniform in size, uniform in thickness, flat and smooth on the surface of tiles, no bubbles, no stains, no pockmarks, bright colors, even gloss, no corner defects, 90 degree right angles, no distortion, clear pattern design, and resistance Pressure performance is good, not easy to damage.

At the time of purchase, you should decide the type, color or pattern of the brick according to your financial situation and preferences, and determine the size according to the size of the room.

First, remove one piece from the packing box to see whether the surface is flat and in good condition. The glaze should be uniform, bright, spotless, lack of glaze, bumping, and the surrounding edges should be regular. Glazing is not bright, astringent, or air bubbles are quality problems.

Secondly, take out a piece of brick and align the two pieces. The smaller the middle gap, the better. If it is a pattern tile, four pieces must be used to piece together a complete pattern, and whether the pattern of the brick should be connected and clear should be considered. Then take out a box of bricks and place them on a large flat surface. Look at the effect from a little distance away. Whether it is white or other colors or patterns, the color should be the same. If there are individual bricks, shallow points, it will be difficult to see. , affect the entire decorative effect.

Then put these bricks up one by one. Compare the size of the bricks. The deviation of small bricks is allowed to be plus or minus 1 mm. The large bricks are allowed to be plus or minus 2 mm.

The final step is to take a piece of brick to knock another piece, or use other hard objects to knock on the brick. If the sound of the brick is crisp and loud, it indicates that the quality of the brick is good and cooked; if the sound is abnormal, it indicates that the brick has heavy skin or cracks. Phenomenon: when the heavy skin is the brick, the air in the material is not discharged, resulting in poor bonding between materials and materials, internal cracking, and not visible on the surface. Only listening to sound can be identified.

Tiles for room decoration

Hand Sander