Using hormones can increase the fruit setting rate

The fruit trees in the early stage and fruit trees have reached a small year, with less flower, low yield and poor economic returns. In order to make fruit trees "small years are not small", flowers and high yields, plant hormones are the best help for fruit trees.

Phytohormone has the advantages of low dosage, low cost, wide range of physiological effects, rapid effect, easy decomposition in plants, light pollution to the environment, overcoming the size of fruit trees, improving fruit quality, and increasing storage and transportation. The hormones that can increase the fruit setting rate of fruit trees are: gibberellin, chlormequat, toxin, dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, naphthaleneacetic acid, and longer.

1. Gibberellin. In the flowering period of apple, jujube, hawthorn, citrus, fig and other fruit trees, 100ppm of gibberellin was sprayed, and the fruit setting rate was increased by one to several times compared with the control.

2. Short stature. 1 to 3 weeks before the grape flower, using 300~500ppm chlormein to spray the grape can increase the fruit setting rate of 30%~100%.

3. Shaper. Spraying 5 to 50 ppm of toxin on apples, apricots, picks, pears and other fruit trees can increase the fruit setting rate by 1 to 5 times. The spraying time is from full bloom to falling flowering.

4. Naphthaleneacetic acid. When the grape berry is sized in the size of the pea, the ear is impregnated with 300 ppm of naphthaleneacetic acid, which can increase the fruit setting rate by 45% to 100%. Spraying the jujube tree with 10ppm naphthaleneacetic acid can significantly improve the fruit setting rate, and the spraying time is in the jujube flowering period.

5. More than a long time. Spraying 500~1000ppm in the grape flowering period can increase the fruit setting rate by 35%~100%. The use of plant hormones should pay attention to: 1. The hormone type, dosage and use time should be selected strictly according to the tree species. If spraying on other tree species, it should be tested in a small range first, and the test should be carried out gradually from low concentration to high concentration. 2. It should be carried out in the absence of wind and cloudy weather, or in the morning and evening, to facilitate the use of fruit trees. In addition, when using hormones, it should not be in contact with copper and copper pesticides, and should be used now. It should not be left for too long.

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