The factors affecting the amount of formaldehyde released from furniture are complex. Aside from the overall product, there are many factors affecting the release of formaldehyde from wood-based panels. The types of wood, rubber, rubber, hot pressing and post-treatment may release formaldehyde. Have an impact.
Decoration method
The sealing effect of the furniture surface on the formaldehyde is very obvious. In the specific implementation process, attention should be paid to the use of low formaldehyde release adhesives, various decorative materials and coatings, and reasonable processes to ensure that no new formaldehyde is released after decoration.
Carrying rate
The so-called load ratio refers to the ratio of the surface area of ​​indoor furniture exposed to air to the volume of the room. The higher the load factor, the higher the formaldehyde concentration. Therefore, in the case that the function is basically satisfied, the number of pieces of furniture in the indoor space should be minimized, thereby reducing the emission of formaldehyde in the furniture.
Diffusion pathway
It is worth emphasizing the importance of edge sealing for panel furniture. When designing furniture, thin plates can be used as much as possible while meeting the strength and structure.
Use environment
The use environment has a great influence on the formaldehyde emission of furniture. Temperature, humidity, and ventilation all affect formaldehyde emissions. Under normal climatic conditions, the temperature will increase by 8 ° C, the concentration of formaldehyde in the air will double; the humidity will increase by 12%, and the amount of formaldehyde will increase by about 15%. Therefore, under the premise of conditions, air conditioning and fresh air system devices can be used to adjust the indoor temperature and humidity and fresh air volume, so that formaldehyde emission is moderately controlled.
Chen time and conditions
The formaldehyde emission concentration of the furniture is proportional to the post-production release time. It should be placed for a period of time before use, and placed in a high temperature and high humidity environment during the discharge, to accelerate the emission of formaldehyde to reduce the pollution in the future use.
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