The zinc and boron elements in "particulate zinc" and "particulate boron" are necessary micronutrients for summer sowing crops such as corn, soybean, cotton and peanut. As the name implies, trace element fertilizers are characterized by the fact that crops require very little of them and must be applied precisely, but they must not be lacking. In the absence of them, there will be specialized deficiency symptoms. For example, zinc deficiency at seedling stage will cause the problem of freezing seedlings. To prevent and correct the freezing seedlings, 0.1% zinc solution may be used for seed dressing or soaking. Also, for example, maize is sensitive to zinc, and high-yield corn is often considered in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers. Based on the basis, the amount of zinc fertilizer added, but the amount is not much, just use 4 to 6 grams per kilogram of corn seed Qishui ** zinc seed dressing on it. Because of the small amount of requirements, the method of fertilizer application is generally adopted in the production of micro-fertilizers. From the point of fertilization, when the crop germinates, when it depletes its own endosperm nutrition, trace nutrients can be readily obtained.
If “granular zinc†or “granular boron†is mixed directly with the seeds, there will be serious problems such as unmatched particle size of the seed particles and fertilizer particles, different density and texture, uneven mixing of the seed fertilizer, and other serious problems. The effect is poor, severe burning and sprouting will occur, resulting in uneven emergence of summer crops. As the saying goes, there is money to buy seeds without money to buy seedlings, and the summer sowing of crops is only to ensure that Miao Qi, Miao Zhuang and enough groups can realize the high yield of Daqiu.
There are three methods for applying microelement fertilizer directly to crop seeds: dressing, soaking and seed coating.
The seed dressing is first used to dissolve the trace amount of micro-fertilizer into a dilute solution (general concentration is between 0.02% and 0.1%), and then the micro-fertilizer solution is placed in a sprayer or a watering can and sprayed on the seed with a sprayer to spray the edge. Stir, so that each seed evenly covered with fertilizer solution, the solution should not be too much, so as to avoid wrinkling seed coat, resulting in bad species. After the seeds are mixed, the seeds are spread out and allowed to sow.
Seed soaking in corn, for example, the first one (or seven water) ** zinc dissolved, made of a suitable concentration of 0.02% to 0.05% of the solution, and then soak the seeds for 6 to 8 hours, the seeds are removed and dried slightly sowing. ** If the concentration of zinc solution is greater than 0.1%, it will affect the seed germination. The method of soaking and fertilizing requires the soil of the sowing place to have a good moisture content, generally above the jaundice. If the soil is arid and reaches the ash level, the soil around the sown seeds will consume a lot of water and affect the emergence.
The seed coating mixes the trace element fertilizer and the addition regulator into a solution with a certain viscosity, and can be sown by rolling in the coating machine for a certain period of time.
If “granular zinc†or “granular boron†is mixed directly with the seeds, there will be serious problems such as unmatched particle size of the seed particles and fertilizer particles, different density and texture, uneven mixing of the seed fertilizer, and other serious problems. The effect is poor, severe burning and sprouting will occur, resulting in uneven emergence of summer crops. As the saying goes, there is money to buy seeds without money to buy seedlings, and the summer sowing of crops is only to ensure that Miao Qi, Miao Zhuang and enough groups can realize the high yield of Daqiu.
There are three methods for applying microelement fertilizer directly to crop seeds: dressing, soaking and seed coating.
The seed dressing is first used to dissolve the trace amount of micro-fertilizer into a dilute solution (general concentration is between 0.02% and 0.1%), and then the micro-fertilizer solution is placed in a sprayer or a watering can and sprayed on the seed with a sprayer to spray the edge. Stir, so that each seed evenly covered with fertilizer solution, the solution should not be too much, so as to avoid wrinkling seed coat, resulting in bad species. After the seeds are mixed, the seeds are spread out and allowed to sow.
Seed soaking in corn, for example, the first one (or seven water) ** zinc dissolved, made of a suitable concentration of 0.02% to 0.05% of the solution, and then soak the seeds for 6 to 8 hours, the seeds are removed and dried slightly sowing. ** If the concentration of zinc solution is greater than 0.1%, it will affect the seed germination. The method of soaking and fertilizing requires the soil of the sowing place to have a good moisture content, generally above the jaundice. If the soil is arid and reaches the ash level, the soil around the sown seeds will consume a lot of water and affect the emergence.
The seed coating mixes the trace element fertilizer and the addition regulator into a solution with a certain viscosity, and can be sown by rolling in the coating machine for a certain period of time.
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